simple (n.)
- absolute
- aesthetic
- amateur
- an
- any
- ascetic
- babbling
- backward
- bald
- base
- basic
- bluff
- bovine
- butt
- choice
- chump
- classic
- classical
- clean
- clear
- common
- commonplace
- cordial
- cozy
- crazy
- crisp
- dense
- dithering
- dry
- dupe
- easy
- eggshell
- empty
- essential
- exclusive
- express
- familiar
- flat
- frank
- friendly
- fundamental
- garden
- gloss
- good
- green
- gull
- homespun
- homey
- household
- illiterate
- imbecile
- individual
- inferior
- innocent
- integral
- intimate
- irregular
- lean
- least
- legitimate
- light
- literal
- lone
- low
- mark
- mean
- mere
- mongoloid
- mother-of-pearl
- naked
- natural
- neat
- nondescript
- one
- open
- ordinary
- original
- pale
- pastel
- pearly
- perfect
- pigeon
- plain
- pleasing
- poor
- primary
- prosy
- pure
- quiet
- raw
- real
- retarded
- righteous
- round
- royal
- rustic
- sad
- sap
- semigloss
- silly
- single
- singular
- slow
- small
- smooth
- snug
- sociable
- sole
- solid
- solitary
- spare
- square
- sterling
- stupid
- subnormal
- subordinate
- sucker
- sweet
- tender
- thick
- trim
- uniform
- unique
- unknowing
- upright
- whole
- workday
simple (adj.)
- absolute
- aesthetic
- affable
- amateur
- an
- any
- artistic
- artless
- ascetic
- asinine
- atomic
- austere
- authentic
- awkward
- backward
- bald
- bare
- base
- basic
- bluff
- blunt
- bovine
- brainless
- burbling
- callow
- candid
- casual
- chaste
- cheerful
- childish
- childlike
- choice
- classic
- classical
- clean
- clean-cut
- clear
- clear-cut
- coherent
- comfortable
- common
- commonplace
- comprehensible
- confiding
- connected
- consistent
- cordial
- cozy
- crackbrained
- cracked
- crass
- crazy
- creamy
- credulous
- cretinous
- crisp
- crystalline
- cushy
- defined
- definite
- degage
- delicate
- dense
- dim-witted
- direct
- discreet
- distinct
- dopey
- doting
- dry
- dull
- dumb
- easy
- easygoing
- effortless
- either
- elegant
- elemental
- elementary
- empty
- empty-headed
- essential
- everyday
- excellent
- exclusive
- explicit
- express
- facile
- familiar
- fatuous
- feebleminded
- finished
- flat
- folksy
- foolish
- forthright
- frank
- friendly
- fundamental
- garden
- gauche
- genuine
- glib
- good
- graceful
- gracile
- gracious
- green
- groping
- guileless
- gullible
- half-baked
- half-witted
- homelike
- homely
- homespun
- homey
- homogeneous
- honest
- humble
- idiotic
- ignorant
- illiterate
- imbecile
- imbecilic
- inane
- individual
- indivisible
- inexperienced
- inexpert
- inferior
- informal
- ingenuous
- inglorious
- innocent
- innocuous
- insensate
- integral
- intelligible
- intimate
- iridescent
- irreducible
- irregular
- lawful
- lean
- least
- legitimate
- lifelike
- light
- limpid
- literal
- lone
- loose
- low
- lowest
- lowly
- lucid
- luminous
- mark
- matter-of-fact
- mean
- mellow
- mere
- mindless
- modest
- mongoloid
- monistic
- monolithic
- moronic
- nacreous
- naive
- naked
- natural
- naturalistic
- neat
- nescient
- nitwitted
- nondescript
- oafish
- obtuse
- offhand
- offhanded
- one
- opalescent
- open
- openhearted
- ordinary
- original
- outspoken
- painless
- pale
- pastel
- peaceful
- pearly
- pellucid
- perfect
- perspicuous
- persuadable
- plain
- pleasing
- polished
- poor
- primal
- primary
- prosaic
- prosy
- pure
- quiet
- raw
- real
- realistic
- refined
- relaxed
- restrained
- retarded
- righteous
- rightful
- round
- royal
- rustic
- sad
- senseless
- severe
- sheer
- silly
- sincere
- single
- single-minded
- singular
- slow
- slow-witted
- small
- smooth
- snug
- sober
- sociable
- soft
- softened
- sole
- solid
- solitary
- somber
- spare
- square
- stark
- sterling
- straightforward
- stupid
- subdued
- subnormal
- subordinate
- subservient
- subtle
- sure-enough
- sweet
- tasteful
- teachable
- tender
- tentative
- terse
- thick
- thickheaded
- translucent
- transparent
- trim
- trustful
- trusting
- unacquainted
- unadorned
- unadulterated
- unaffected
- unalloyed
- unambiguous
- unanalyzable
- unassuming
- unceremonious
- uncluttered
- uncolored
- uncomplicated
- uncompounded
- uncomprehending
- unconfused
- unconstrained
- uncontrived
- unconventional
- undecorated
- understandable
- understated
- undifferentiated
- undisguised
- undistinguished
- undistorted
- undivided
- uneducated
- unelaborate
- unembellished
- unenlightened
- unequivocal
- unfamiliar
- unfeigned
- unflattering
- unguarded
- uniform
- unilluminated
- unimaginative
- unimagined
- unimportant
- uninformed
- uninitiated
- unintelligent
- uninvolved
- unique
- unitary
- univocal
- unknowing
- unmistakable
- unmitigated
- unmixed
- unobtrusive
- unofficial
- unornamented
- unostentatious
- unpretending
- unpretentious
- unqualified
- unreserved
- unripe
- unromantic
- unschooled
- unsophisticated
- unstudied
- unsure
- unsuspicious
- untaught
- unvarnished
- unversed
- unwary
- upright
- vacuous
- verbal
- verbatim
- veridical
- verisimilar
- well-chosen
- well-defined
- whole
- witless
- workaday
A simple child
That lightly draws its breath,
And feels its life in every limb,
What should it know of death?
When love begins to sicken and decay,
It useth an enforced ceremony.
There are no tricks in plain and simple faith.
A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food;
For transient sorrows, simple wiles,
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles.