dry (n.)
- acid
- arid
- ascetic
- bake
- bald
- barren
- blah
- blank
- bleed
- blot
- brine
- brush
- burn
- cake
- caustic
- celibate
- cold
- common
- commonplace
- concrete
- corn
- crab
- croaking
- cure
- dead
- desert
- drain
- empty
- everlasting
- exhaust
- fade
- fallow
- fire
- flat
- fleece
- frank
- freeze
- fume
- gaunt
- grating
- green
- guttural
- heavy
- hollow
- homespun
- humdrum
- husky
- invariable
- jerk
- kiln
- kipper
- lean
- literal
- marinade
- metallic
- milk
- natural
- neat
- open
- pale
- parch
- pedestrian
- pickle
- plain
- plodding
- pluck
- poky
- prohibitionist
- prosy
- pure
- rasping
- rough
- rub
- rude
- rustic
- salt
- scorch
- season
- sec
- sere
- set
- shear
- shovel
- simple
- singsong
- skin
- slow
- smoke
- sour
- spare
- sponge
- stiff
- stoic
- strip
- stuff
- sun
- swab
- tart
- thick
- towel
- treadmill
- virgin
- waste
- wipe
- wither
dry (v.)
- acerbate
- bake
- bald
- bare
- blank
- bleed
- blot
- brazen
- brine
- brush
- burn
- cake
- cold
- concrete
- congeal
- corn
- crab
- cure
- dead
- dehumidify
- dehydrate
- denude
- deplete
- deplume
- desert
- desiccate
- desolate
- despoil
- direct
- displume
- divest
- drain
- dull
- embalm
- empty
- evaporate
- exhaust
- exsiccate
- fade
- fire
- flat
- flay
- fleece
- frank
- freeze
- freeze-dry
- fume
- green
- hollow
- impoverish
- indurate
- insolate
- irradiate
- jerk
- kipper
- lean
- marinade
- marinate
- milk
- mummify
- open
- pale
- parch
- pickle
- plain
- pluck
- pure
- quick-freeze
- refrigerate
- rough
- rub
- rude
- salt
- scorch
- sear
- season
- set
- severe
- shear
- shovel
- shrivel
- singsong
- skin
- slow
- smoke
- sober
- solidify
- sour
- spare
- sponge
- strip
- stuff
- sun
- swab
- tart
- teetotal
- towel
- waste
- wipe
- wither
dry (adj.)
- acarpous
- acerb
- acerbic
- acetose
- acid
- acidulous
- air-dry
- anhydrous
- apathetic
- arid
- ascetic
- athirst
- austere
- baked
- bald
- bare
- barren
- blank
- bloodless
- bone-dry
- brassy
- brazen
- bromidic
- burn
- candid
- caustic
- celibate
- characterless
- childless
- choked
- coarse
- cold
- colorless
- common
- commonplace
- concrete
- corn
- crabbed
- cracked
- croaky
- cure
- cynical
- dead
- dehydrated
- depleted
- desiccate
- desiccated
- desolate
- direct
- discreet
- dismal
- drained
- dreary
- dried-up
- dull
- dusty
- earthbound
- effete
- elephantine
- empty
- etiolated
- everlasting
- exhausted
- fallow
- fire
- flat
- frank
- fruitless
- gaunt
- gelded
- grating
- green
- gruff
- guttural
- harsh
- heavy
- ho-hum
- hoarse
- hollow
- homely
- homespun
- humdrum
- husky
- impotent
- impoverished
- inane
- indurate
- ineffectual
- infertile
- insipid
- invariable
- ironic
- jarring
- jejune
- juiceless
- leached
- leaden
- lean
- lifeless
- literal
- long-winded
- low-spirited
- matter-of-fact
- menopausal
- metallic
- modest
- monotonous
- mundane
- natural
- neat
- nonproductive
- open
- pale
- pallid
- parched
- pedestrian
- phlegmatic
- pickled
- plain
- plodding
- pointless
- poky
- ponderous
- prolix
- prosaic
- prosy
- pungent
- pure
- ragged
- rasping
- raucous
- rough
- roupy
- rub
- rude
- rugged
- rustic
- salt
- sandy
- sapless
- sarcastic
- sardonic
- satiric
- sear
- sec
- sere
- set
- severe
- simple
- singsong
- slow
- sober
- solemn
- sour
- soured
- sourish
- spare
- spiritless
- squawky
- staid
- stark
- sterile
- stertorous
- stiff
- stodgy
- stoic
- stolid
- straightforward
- strangled
- strident
- stuffy
- superficial
- tart
- tasteless
- tedious
- teetotal
- thick
- thirsty
- throaty
- tinny
- unadorned
- unaffected
- uncultivated
- unembellished
- uneventful
- unfertile
- unfruitful
- unimaginative
- uninspired
- uninteresting
- uninventive
- unoriginal
- unplowed
- unpretentious
- unproductive
- unripe
- unromantic
- unsown
- unsweet
- unsweetened
- untilled
- unvarnished
- unvarying
- vapid
- vinegarish
- vinegary
- virgin
- waste
- wasted
- waterless
- wearisome
- wizen
- wooden
The good die first,
And they whose hearts are dry as summer dust
Burn to the socket.
If ladies be but young and fair,
They have the gift to know it; and in his brain,
Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit
After a voyage, he hath strange places cramm'd
With observation, the which he vents
In mangled forms.
I would fain die a dry death.
The most perfect soul, says Heraclitus, is a dry light, which flies out of the body as lightning breaks from a cloud.
Dry sun, dry wind;
Safe bind, safe find.
If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?