drained (adj.)
- ablated
- acarpous
- arid
- barren
- beat
- beaten
- blanched
- bleached
- burned-out
- bushed
- cachectic
- celibate
- childless
- consumed
- dead
- debilitated
- depleted
- desolate
- disabled
- dissipated
- dog-tired
- done
- dried-up
- dry
- effete
- enervated
- eroded
- exhausted
- failing
- fallow
- fatigued
- feeble
- finished
- frail
- fruitless
- gaunt
- gelded
- gone
- impotent
- impoverished
- incapacitated
- ineffectual
- infertile
- infirm
- invalid
- jejune
- leached
- lightened
- menopausal
- moribund
- nonproductive
- pale
- peaked
- peaky
- prostrate
- reduced
- run-down
- sickly
- spent
- sterile
- uncultivated
- unfertile
- unfruitful
- unhealthy
- unplowed
- unproductive
- unsound
- unsown
- untilled
- valetudinarian
- valetudinary
- virgin
- washed-up
- waste
- wasted
- weakened
- weakly
- whacked
- whitened
- worn
- worn-out
'T is a little thing
To give a cup of water; yet its draught
Of cool refreshment, drained by fevered lips,
May give a shock of pleasure to the frame
More exquisite than when nectarean juice
Renews the life of joy in happiest hours.