frank (n.)
- airmail
- ascetic
- bald
- bluff
- bologna
- broad
- cancellation
- common
- commonplace
- correspondence
- demonstrative
- dog
- dry
- express
- fair
- flip
- fluent
- frankfurter
- free
- gross
- gutter
- headcheese
- heart-to-heart
- homespun
- innocent
- knockwurst
- lean
- letters
- liverwurst
- low
- natural
- neat
- open
- plain
- post
- postage
- postmark
- prosy
- pure
- rank
- raw
- round
- rustic
- salami
- sausage
- simple
- single
- smooth
- sociable
- spare
- stamp
- straight
- talky
- upright
- weenie
- wiener
- wienerwurst
frank (v.)
frank (adj.)
- accessible
- approachable
- artless
- ascetic
- austere
- bald
- bare
- barefaced
- bluff
- blunt
- brazen
- broad
- brusque
- candid
- chatty
- childlike
- coarse
- common
- commonplace
- communicative
- confiding
- conversational
- demonstrative
- direct
- dispassionate
- dog
- downright
- dry
- dull
- earthy
- effusive
- expansive
- explicit
- express
- extroverted
- fair
- flip
- fluent
- forthright
- free
- free-spoken
- gabby
- garrulous
- gassy
- genuine
- glib
- gossipy
- gregarious
- gross
- guileless
- gushy
- heart-to-heart
- homely
- homespun
- honest
- impartial
- ingenuous
- innocent
- just
- lean
- long-winded
- loquacious
- low
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- neat
- newsy
- open
- openhearted
- outgoing
- outspoken
- plain
- plainspoken
- post
- prolix
- prosaic
- prosy
- pure
- rank
- raw
- round
- rustic
- scrupulous
- severe
- simple
- sincere
- single
- single-minded
- smooth
- sober
- sociable
- spare
- stark
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- talkative
- talky
- transparent
- trustful
- trusting
- truthful
- unabashed
- unadorned
- unaffected
- unbiased
- unchecked
- unconcealed
- unconstrained
- uncouth
- undisguised
- unequivocal
- unguarded
- unhampered
- unimaginative
- uninhibited
- unmannered
- unrepressed
- unreserved
- unrestrained
- unrestricted
- unshrinking
- unsophisticated
- unsuppressed
- unsuspicious
- unvarnished
- unwary
- upright
- verbose
- voluble
- vulgar
- windy
The brilliant chief, irregularly great,
Frank, haughty, rash,—the Rupert of debate!