straight (n.)
- absolute
- ace
- all-out
- anal
- away
- axis
- beeline
- bluff
- born
- bourgeois
- bower
- broad
- cards
- chord
- clean
- clear
- clubs
- comprehensive
- compulsive
- conformist
- constant
- cyclical
- dead
- deck
- deuce
- diagonal
- diameter
- diamonds
- due
- dummy
- edge
- entire
- erotic
- even
- express
- fair
- final
- flat
- flush
- foursquare
- frank
- free
- full
- good
- hand
- heart-to-heart
- hearts
- heterosexual
- horizontal
- intensive
- jack
- joker
- king
- knave
- kosher
- legitimate
- level
- moral
- naked
- neat
- nonstop
- normal
- now
- okay
- omnibus
- open
- orderly
- orthodox
- pack
- pair
- perennial
- perfect
- perpendicular
- plain
- plastic
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- positive
- pure
- queen
- radical
- radius
- regular
- right
- righteous
- round
- rubber
- ruff
- running
- secant
- segment
- sex
- sexual
- shortcut
- sic
- side
- simple
- singleton
- smack
- smooth
- so
- spades
- spruce
- square
- stable
- steady
- straightaway
- strong
- sure
- sweeping
- tangent
- through
- tidy
- total
- traditionalist
- trey
- trick
- true
- trump
- trusty
- uniform
- universal
- upright
- utter
- vector
- vertical
- whole
- wholesale
straight (adv.)
- aboveboard
- absolutely
- accurately
- ace
- away
- broad
- candidly
- clean
- clear
- correctly
- dead
- decent
- definitely
- direct
- directly
- downright
- due
- even
- exactly
- explicitly
- express
- expressly
- fair
- faithfully
- faultlessly
- flat
- flawlessly
- flush
- forthright
- forthwith
- foursquare
- free
- full
- good
- hand
- honestly
- immediately
- instantly
- just
- king
- literally
- literatim
- nonstop
- now
- okay
- outright
- perfectly
- plain
- plainly
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- point-blank
- positively
- precisely
- promptly
- properly
- right
- rightly
- rigidly
- rigorously
- round
- sheer
- sic
- side
- simply
- smack
- so
- spades
- square
- squarely
- steady
- straightaway
- straightforwardly
- straightway
- strictly
- summarily
- sure
- through
- true
- unambiguously
- unequivocally
- unerringly
- unswervingly
- verbally
- verbatim
- whole
- wholesale
straight (adj.)
- aboveboard
- absolute
- accordant
- accurate
- ace
- agreed
- all-embracing
- all-encompassing
- all-out
- amorous
- anal
- angelic
- arranged
- articulated
- artless
- authentic
- away
- bare
- bluff
- blunt
- born
- bourgeois
- broad
- brusque
- button-down
- candid
- carnal
- categorical
- ceaseless
- clean
- clear
- complete
- composed
- comprehensive
- compulsive
- concentrated
- conclusive
- concordant
- conformist
- congenital
- connected
- constant
- consummate
- continual
- continued
- continuing
- continuous
- conventional
- correct
- corresponding
- cyclical
- dead
- decent
- decided
- decisive
- definite
- definitive
- dependable
- determinate
- diagonal
- direct
- downright
- due
- dummy
- edge
- egregious
- emotionless
- endless
- entire
- equitable
- erect
- erogenic
- erogenous
- erotic
- even
- exhaustive
- explicit
- express
- fair
- faultless
- featureless
- final
- fixed
- flat
- flawless
- fleshly
- flush
- formalistic
- forthright
- foursquare
- frank
- free
- free-spoken
- full
- gamic
- genuine
- global
- godly
- good
- hand
- harmonious
- heart-to-heart
- heterosexual
- honest
- honorable
- horizontal
- immediate
- impassive
- implicit
- incessant
- incorruptible
- indisputable
- ingenuous
- intensive
- interminable
- inviolable
- irreversible
- jack
- joined
- just
- king
- kosher
- legitimate
- letter-perfect
- level
- libidinal
- lineal
- linear
- linked
- meticulous
- monotonous
- moral
- naked
- neat
- never-ending
- no-nonsense
- nonstop
- normal
- nuptial
- okay
- omnibus
- omnipresent
- one-way
- open
- openhearted
- orderly
- organized
- orthodox
- out-and-out
- outright
- outspoken
- oversexed
- pedantic
- peremptory
- perennial
- perfect
- periodic
- perpendicular
- pervasive
- plain
- plastic
- plumb
- plump
- point-blank
- positive
- potent
- procreative
- proper
- proven
- pure
- purified
- radical
- rectified
- rectilineal
- rectilinear
- recurrent
- regular
- reliable
- repetitive
- respectable
- responsible
- right
- right-minded
- righteous
- rightly
- round
- round-the-clock
- rubber
- ruff
- running
- saintlike
- saintly
- seamless
- sedate
- sensual
- seraphic
- serious
- serried
- settled
- sex
- sexed
- sexual
- sexy
- sheer
- shipshape
- sic
- side
- simple
- sincere
- smooth
- so
- sober
- spruce
- square
- stable
- staid
- steady
- straight-out
- straightaway
- straightforward
- streamlined
- strong
- stuffy
- sure
- sweeping
- taciturn
- tested
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- through
- tidy
- total
- traditionalist
- transparent
- transversal
- tried
- true
- trustworthy
- trusty
- ubiquitous
- unadulterated
- unalloyed
- unaltered
- unambiguous
- unbending
- unbent
- unblended
- unbowed
- unbroken
- unceasing
- unchecked
- uncombined
- uncompounded
- unconditional
- unconstrained
- uncorrupted
- uncurved
- uncut
- undersexed
- undeviating
- undifferentiated
- undiluted
- undistorted
- unembellished
- unemotional
- unending
- unequivocal
- unguarded
- unhampered
- unhesitating
- unidirectional
- uniform
- uninterrupted
- universal
- unleavened
- unlimited
- unmingled
- unmistakable
- unmitigated
- unmixed
- unmodified
- unqualified
- unquestioning
- unrelieved
- unremitting
- unreserved
- unrestrained
- unrestricted
- unsmiling
- unsophisticated
- unswerving
- unturned
- upright
- upstanding
- uptight
- utter
- venereal
- verbatim
- veritable
- vertical
- virtuous
- voluptuous
- whole
- wholesale
Straight down the crooked lane,
And all round the square.
Looked as if she had walked straight out of the ark.