smack (n.)
- aftertaste
- alcohol
- analgesic
- anodyne
- aroma
- attribute
- badge
- bang
- barb
- barbiturate
- bash
- bat
- beating
- belt
- biff
- bitter
- blip
- blow
- blue
- bop
- box
- brand
- buffet
- bump
- burst
- buss
- bust
- cachet
- cannon
- carom
- cast
- character
- characteristic
- chop
- clap
- clash
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- codeine
- configuration
- crack
- crash
- crunch
- cuff
- cut
- dash
- deal
- deck
- depressant
- depressor
- differentia
- differential
- dig
- dint
- dolly
- downer
- drubbing
- drumming
- earmark
- encounter
- feature
- fetch
- figure
- flap
- flavor
- flop
- flush
- foul
- full
- fusillade
- gleam
- goofball
- gust
- hallmark
- heroin
- hint
- hit
- hop
- horse
- hurt
- hypnotic
- idea
- idiosyncrasy
- impress
- impression
- index
- individualism
- infusion
- inkling
- intimation
- jab
- junk
- keynote
- kiss
- knock
- lash
- laudanum
- lick
- lip
- liquor
- look
- lotus
- mannerism
- mark
- marking
- meet
- meperidine
- methadone
- mold
- morphia
- morphine
- narcotic
- nature
- odor
- opiate
- opium
- osculation
- pacifier
- palate
- paregoric
- particularity
- paste
- peck
- peculiarity
- pelt
- phenobarbital
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- poke
- pop
- pound
- property
- punch
- quality
- quirk
- rainbow
- rap
- red
- reek
- relish
- report
- right
- salt
- sample
- sapidity
- sauce
- savor
- savoriness
- scag
- scintilla
- seal
- seasoning
- sedative
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- sharp
- shit
- sideswipe
- singularity
- sip
- slam
- slap
- slat
- sleeper
- slug
- smash
- smattering
- smell
- smooch
- snap
- soak
- sock
- soporific
- soupcon
- sour
- spank
- spark
- specialty
- spice
- splat
- sprinkling
- square
- stamp
- stink
- stomach
- straight
- strike
- stripe
- stroke
- suggestion
- sup
- suspicion
- swap
- swat
- sweet
- swing
- swipe
- taint
- tang
- tap
- tar
- taste
- tattoo
- tempering
- thought
- thump
- thwack
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- token
- tongue
- tooth
- touch
- trace
- trait
- tranquilizer
- trick
- turps
- vestige
- wallop
- welt
- whack
- whip
- whop
- yellow
smack (v.)
- attribute
- badge
- bang
- barb
- bash
- bat
- belt
- biff
- bitter
- blow
- blue
- bonk
- bop
- box
- brand
- buffet
- bump
- burst
- buss
- bust
- cannon
- carom
- cast
- character
- chop
- clap
- clash
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- coldcock
- collide
- concuss
- crack
- crash
- crump
- crunch
- cuff
- cut
- dash
- deal
- deck
- dig
- drub
- earmark
- encounter
- feature
- fetch
- figure
- flap
- flavor
- flop
- flush
- foul
- full
- fusillade
- gleam
- gust
- hint
- hit
- hop
- horse
- hurt
- hurtle
- impinge
- impress
- index
- jab
- junk
- keynote
- kiss
- knock
- lash
- lick
- lip
- look
- mark
- meet
- mold
- nature
- osculate
- paste
- peck
- pelt
- percuss
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- poke
- pop
- pound
- punch
- quirk
- rap
- red
- reek
- relish
- report
- resemble
- right
- salt
- sample
- sauce
- savor
- seal
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- sharp
- shit
- sideswipe
- sip
- slam
- slap
- slat
- slog
- slug
- smash
- smell
- smite
- smooch
- snap
- soak
- sock
- sour
- spang
- spank
- spark
- spice
- splat
- square
- stamp
- stink
- stomach
- strike
- stripe
- stroke
- suggest
- sup
- swap
- swat
- swing
- swipe
- taint
- tap
- tar
- taste
- tattoo
- thump
- thwack
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- token
- tongue
- touch
- trace
- trick
- wallop
- welt
- whack
- wham
- whap
- whip
- whomp
- whop
- yellow
smack (adv.)
- abruptly
- bang
- belt
- bitter
- blue
- chop
- cuff
- cut
- dash
- deal
- exactly
- flap
- flop
- flush
- full
- hastily
- hop
- horse
- impetuously
- lash
- nature
- plop
- plumb
- plump
- plunk
- point-blank
- pop
- precipitately
- precipitously
- precisely
- red
- right
- sharp
- slap
- smash
- square
- squarely
- startlingly
- straight
- sudden
- suddenly
- surprisingly
- sweet
- swing
- unawares
- unexpectedly
Some smack of age in you, some relish of the saltness of time.
For he is but a bastard to the time
That doth not smack of observation.
Have you found your life distasteful?
My life did, and does, smack sweet.
Was your youth of pleasure wasteful?
Mine I saved and hold complete.
Do your joys with age diminish?
When mine fail me, I 'll complain.
Must in death your daylight finish?
My sun sets to rise again.