badge (n.)
- accolade
- armory
- aroma
- attribute
- award
- banner
- bar
- baton
- blazonry
- brand
- brassard
- button
- cachet
- card
- cast
- chain
- character
- characteristic
- chevron
- chicken
- cockade
- collar
- configuration
- countersign
- credentials
- cross
- cut
- decoration
- device
- differentia
- differential
- distinction
- dress
- eagle
- earmark
- emblem
- epaulet
- fasces
- feature
- figure
- figurehead
- flavor
- fleur-de-lis
- gust
- hallmark
- heraldry
- identification
- idiosyncrasy
- image
- impress
- impression
- index
- indicant
- indicator
- individualism
- insignia
- keynote
- kudos
- laurels
- livery
- mace
- mannerism
- mantle
- mark
- marking
- measure
- medal
- mold
- monogram
- mortarboard
- nature
- note
- odor
- particularity
- patch
- peculiarity
- picture
- pin
- pip
- property
- quality
- quirk
- regalia
- representation
- representative
- ring
- rose
- savor
- seal
- shamrock
- shape
- sign
- signal
- signature
- singularity
- smack
- specialty
- staff
- stamp
- star
- stripe
- swastika
- symptom
- taint
- tang
- tartan
- taste
- tessera
- thistle
- tie
- token
- trait
- trick
- uniform
- verge
- wand
badge (v.)
- attribute
- award
- bar
- brand
- button
- card
- cast
- chain
- character
- collar
- countersign
- cross
- cut
- distinction
- dress
- eagle
- earmark
- feature
- figure
- flavor
- gust
- image
- impress
- index
- keynote
- mace
- mantle
- mark
- measure
- mold
- nature
- note
- patch
- picture
- pin
- pip
- quirk
- ring
- rose
- savor
- seal
- shape
- sign
- signal
- smack
- staff
- stamp
- star
- stripe
- taint
- taste
- tie
- token
- trick
- uniform
- verge
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.
For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe.