chicken (n.)
- asthenic
- auntie
- baby
- badge
- bar
- biddy
- bisexual
- broiler
- brooder
- butch
- canard
- capon
- catamite
- chevron
- chick
- cock
- cockerel
- coward
- craven
- crybaby
- dastard
- doormat
- drake
- duck
- duckling
- dyke
- eagle
- epaulet
- fag
- faggot
- faint
- fairy
- falter
- flit
- floppy
- fowl
- fruit
- fryer
- funk
- gander
- gobbler
- gone
- goody-goody
- goose
- gosling
- grouse
- hen
- homo
- homophile
- homosexual
- imbecile
- invertebrate
- jellyfish
- lesbian
- lightweight
- lily
- limber
- limp
- milksop
- mollycoddle
- mouse
- namby-pamby
- nance
- nancy
- nebbish
- nonentity
- pansy
- pantywaist
- partridge
- patch
- pheasant
- pigeon
- pip
- poltroon
- poulet
- poultry
- pullet
- punk
- pushover
- quail
- queen
- queer
- quitter
- roaster
- rooster
- rubbery
- scuttle
- sissy
- skedaddle
- slack
- softy
- sop
- squab
- star
- stripe
- timid
- tom
- tribade
- turkey
- volaille
- weak
- weakling
- yellow
chicken (adj.)
- afraid
- anemic
- asthenic
- bar
- bisexual
- bloodless
- butch
- chickenhearted
- cowardly
- craven
- dastard
- daunted
- debilitated
- dismayed
- drooping
- droopy
- dull
- eagle
- effeminate
- effete
- etiolated
- faint
- fainthearted
- fearful
- feeble
- flabby
- flaccid
- floppy
- funky
- gone
- goody-goody
- gutless
- hen
- homophile
- homosexual
- imbecile
- impotent
- intimidated
- invertebrate
- languid
- languorous
- lesbian
- lightweight
- lily-livered
- limber
- limp
- listless
- mousy
- namby-pamby
- nerveless
- old-womanish
- panicky
- pathic
- poltroon
- powerless
- prissy
- punk
- pusillanimous
- queer
- rubbery
- sapless
- sissified
- sissy
- sissyish
- slack
- soft
- spineless
- squab
- star
- timid
- timorous
- tom
- unhardened
- unmanly
- unmanned
- unnerved
- unstrung
- weak
- weak-kneed
- weakly
- white-livered
- womanish
- yellow
And we meet, with champagne and a chicken, at last.
She's no chicken; she's on the wrong side of thirty, if she be a day.