figure (n.)
- acclaim
- act
- add
- adornment
- amount
- anatomy
- angle
- apparition
- appearance
- archetype
- aroma
- aspect
- attribute
- background
- badge
- baron
- bead
- believe
- bigwig
- bit
- blazon
- blueprint
- bod
- body
- body-build
- bones
- bourdon
- brand
- brass
- bravura
- bridge
- brilliancy
- build
- burden
- bust
- cachet
- cadence
- call
- carcass
- cartoon
- carving
- cast
- celebrity
- character
- characteristic
- charge
- chart
- chassis
- chisel
- chorus
- cipher
- class
- clay
- clod
- coda
- colors
- concert
- configuration
- conformation
- constellation
- contour
- copy
- corpus
- cost
- count
- cube
- cuboid
- cusp
- cut
- cynosure
- damage
- daring
- dash
- decagon
- decoration
- delineation
- demonstration
- design
- detail
- development
- device
- devise
- diagram
- diamond
- differentia
- differential
- dig
- digit
- dignitary
- dignity
- dilemma
- display
- divide
- division
- dodecagon
- dodecahedron
- doll
- dolly
- draft
- dramatics
- drawing
- dummy
- earmark
- eclat
- effect
- effigy
- elder
- elevation
- embellishment
- emblem
- embroidery
- estimate
- euphuism
- exhibition
- exhibitionism
- expenditure
- expense
- exposition
- facet
- fame
- fantasy
- fashion
- father
- fathom
- feather
- feature
- figuration
- figurehead
- figurine
- filigree
- finger
- fix
- flag
- flair
- flaunt
- flavor
- flesh
- floridity
- floridness
- flounce
- flourish
- flower
- foil
- folderol
- foot
- force
- forecast
- forge
- form
- format
- formation
- found
- foursquare
- frame
- framework
- frill
- galaxy
- garland
- gauge
- gem
- genre
- gestalt
- get
- gleam
- glitter
- glory
- glow
- gnomon
- graph
- grasp
- guess
- guise
- gust
- hallmark
- heptagon
- hero
- heroine
- hew
- hexagon
- hexahedron
- histrionics
- hulk
- icon
- icosahedron
- idiosyncrasy
- idol
- illustration
- image
- imagery
- imago
- immortal
- impress
- impression
- index
- individual
- individualism
- integer
- interests
- interlude
- intermezzo
- jewel
- judge
- keynote
- kudos
- layout
- leader
- leitmotiv
- light
- likeness
- lion
- live
- look
- luminary
- lushness
- luxuriance
- magnate
- make
- makeup
- manifestation
- manikin
- mannequin
- manner
- mannerism
- marionette
- mark
- marking
- matrix
- measure
- mint
- mirage
- mirror
- modality
- mode
- model
- mogul
- mold
- monument
- mood
- motif
- motive
- mould
- movement
- nabob
- name
- nature
- notability
- notable
- notation
- notoriety
- number
- numeral
- oblong
- octagon
- octahedron
- odor
- ornament
- ornamentation
- outline
- pageant
- pageantry
- paint
- panjandrum
- parade
- parallelepiped
- parallelogram
- paralogism
- part
- particularity
- passage
- pattern
- peculiarity
- pentagon
- pentahedron
- period
- person
- personage
- personality
- phantasm
- phantasma
- phantasmagoria
- phantom
- phase
- phasis
- phenomenon
- phrase
- physique
- picture
- plan
- plate
- plot
- plume
- polygon
- polyhedron
- popularity
- power
- presence
- price
- prism
- prismoid
- prize
- profile
- program
- project
- projection
- property
- prototype
- publicity
- puppet
- pyramid
- quadrangle
- quadrant
- quadrature
- quadrilateral
- quality
- quirk
- rank
- rate
- recognition
- rectangle
- reference
- refrain
- regard
- relief
- renown
- report
- representation
- reputation
- repute
- resolution
- resolve
- respect
- response
- rhombohedron
- rhomboid
- rhombus
- ribbon
- rough
- roughcast
- rule
- sachem
- savor
- scarecrow
- schedule
- score
- sculpture
- seal
- section
- see
- semblance
- set
- settle
- shade
- shadow
- sham
- shape
- shine
- show
- side
- sign
- silhouette
- simulacrum
- singularity
- skeleton
- sketch
- slant
- smack
- snowman
- solve
- soma
- somebody
- something
- spangle
- specialty
- spectacle
- specter
- splash
- splurge
- square
- staginess
- stamp
- stanza
- star
- statement
- statuary
- statue
- statuette
- strain
- structure
- style
- subject
- sum
- superstar
- syllogism
- symbol
- tab
- table
- tailor
- tailpiece
- taint
- take
- tally
- tang
- taste
- tetragon
- tetragram
- tetrahedron
- theme
- think
- tinsel
- token
- torso
- tot
- total
- tote
- touch
- trait
- trapeze
- trapezium
- trapezoid
- triangle
- trick
- trilateral
- trope
- trunk
- turn
- twig
- twist
- tycoon
- type
- value
- variation
- vaunt
- verse
- view
- viewpoint
- vision
- vogue
- waxwork
- wise
- work
- worthy
- wraith
figure (v.)
- accept
- acclaim
- acknowledge
- act
- add
- adumbrate
- amount
- angle
- appear
- appraise
- appreciate
- arrange
- assess
- assume
- attribute
- background
- badge
- bead
- bejewel
- believe
- bespangle
- bit
- blazon
- blueprint
- body
- brand
- bridge
- build
- burden
- bust
- calculate
- call
- cartoon
- carve
- cast
- character
- charge
- chart
- chisel
- chorus
- cipher
- class
- clay
- colors
- compute
- concede
- concert
- conclude
- consider
- contour
- contrive
- copy
- cost
- count
- create
- cube
- cut
- damage
- dash
- decipher
- demonstrate
- denominate
- denote
- design
- designate
- detail
- determine
- devise
- diagram
- dig
- display
- divide
- draft
- dummy
- earmark
- effect
- embody
- engrave
- enumerate
- estimate
- evaluate
- exemplify
- expense
- fame
- fantasy
- fashion
- father
- fathom
- feather
- feature
- filigree
- finger
- fix
- flag
- flaunt
- flavor
- flesh
- flounce
- flourish
- flower
- foil
- foot
- force
- forecast
- foreshadow
- forge
- form
- formalize
- format
- found
- frame
- garland
- gauge
- get
- gleam
- glitter
- glory
- glow
- graph
- grasp
- guess
- guise
- gust
- hew
- hulk
- illuminate
- illustrate
- image
- imagine
- impersonate
- impress
- incarnate
- index
- intend
- interlude
- interpret
- jewel
- judge
- keynote
- knead
- light
- lines
- lion
- live
- look
- make
- mark
- measure
- mint
- mirror
- mode
- model
- mold
- mould
- multiply
- name
- nature
- number
- numerate
- organize
- ornament
- outline
- paint
- parade
- part
- participate
- pattern
- perceive
- personalize
- personate
- personify
- phase
- phrase
- picture
- plan
- plate
- plot
- plume
- power
- prearrange
- prefigure
- presume
- price
- prize
- profile
- program
- project
- pyramid
- quirk
- rank
- rate
- rationalize
- realize
- reckon
- reference
- reflect
- refrain
- regard
- report
- repute
- resolve
- respect
- rough
- roughcast
- rule
- savor
- schedule
- schematize
- score
- sculpt
- sculpture
- seal
- section
- see
- select
- set
- settle
- shade
- shadow
- sham
- shape
- shine
- show
- side
- sign
- silhouette
- sketch
- slant
- smack
- solve
- spangle
- specify
- splash
- splurge
- square
- stamp
- star
- stigmatize
- strain
- structure
- style
- subject
- subtract
- sum
- summate
- suppose
- symbolize
- systematize
- tab
- table
- tailor
- taint
- take
- tally
- taste
- theme
- think
- tinsel
- token
- tot
- total
- tote
- touch
- translate
- trick
- turn
- twig
- twist
- type
- typify
- understand
- valuate
- value
- vaunt
- verse
- view
- vision
- wise
- work
- wreathe
figure (adj.)
- act
- amount
- angle
- believe
- bit
- bust
- cast
- characteristic
- class
- cost
- count
- cuboid
- cut
- daring
- dash
- designate
- differential
- dig
- draft
- dummy
- effect
- elder
- fashion
- flesh
- foot
- force
- form
- found
- foursquare
- gem
- get
- gleam
- glitter
- glow
- gust
- immortal
- incarnate
- individual
- light
- lion
- live
- mark
- mint
- mode
- model
- motive
- notable
- numeral
- numerate
- oblong
- part
- person
- phantom
- phase
- plan
- power
- price
- prize
- program
- quadrilateral
- quality
- rank
- rate
- resolution
- rhomboid
- ribbon
- rough
- score
- seal
- section
- see
- seeming
- select
- set
- sham
- shape
- side
- sign
- slant
- square
- star
- statuary
- style
- subject
- summate
- table
- taste
- token
- total
- trait
- trilateral
- turn
- verse
- vogue
- wise
- work
- worthy
But, alas, to make me
A fixed figure for the time of scorn
To point his slow unmoving finger at!
A fellow that makes no figure in company, and has a mind as narrow as the neck of a vinegar-cruet.
One of the sophisms of Chrysippus was, "If you have not lost a thing, you have it."
The baby figure of the giant mass
Of things to come.
When we mean to build,
We first survey the plot, then draw the model;
And when we see the figure of the house,
Then must we rate the cost of the erection.
We figure to ourselves
The thing we like; and then we build it up,
As chance will have it, on the rock or sand,—
For thought is tired of wandering o'er the world,
And homebound Fancy runs her bark ashore.