price (n.)
- amends
- amount
- appraisal
- assay
- atonement
- bonus
- bounty
- charge
- compensation
- consequence
- consideration
- cost
- damages
- dearness
- decline
- evaluation
- expenditure
- expense
- fee
- figure
- flurry
- flutter
- guerdon
- high
- honorarium
- indemnification
- indemnity
- interest
- invaluableness
- low
- meed
- odds
- outlay
- par
- parity
- payment
- penalization
- penalty
- penance
- preciousness
- premium
- pricelessness
- prize
- punishment
- quittance
- quotation
- rally
- rate
- recompense
- redress
- remuneration
- reparation
- requital
- restitution
- retribution
- return
- reward
- sacrifice
- salvage
- satisfaction
- tab
- tariff
- toll
- usury
- valuableness
- valuation
- value
- worth
price (v.)
price (adv.)
price (adj.)
"All men have their price" is commonly ascribed to Walpole.
There taught us how to live; and (oh, too high
The price for knowledge!) taught us how to die.
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
The price of wisdom is above rubies.
Pearl of great price.