reward (n.)
- amends
- annihilation
- atonement
- award
- bait
- bane
- bribe
- carrot
- comeuppance
- compensation
- consideration
- damages
- death
- decease
- demise
- departure
- desert
- deserts
- dissolution
- dividend
- doom
- dying
- encouragement
- end
- ending
- exit
- expiration
- extinction
- favor
- fee
- fillip
- going
- grave
- guerdon
- honor
- honorarium
- incentive
- incitement
- indemnification
- indemnity
- inducement
- interest
- invitation
- jackpot
- knell
- lure
- meed
- parting
- passing
- pay
- payment
- percentage
- plum
- premium
- price
- prize
- profit
- provocation
- punishment
- quietus
- quit
- quittance
- recompense
- redress
- release
- remit
- remuneration
- render
- reparation
- reprisal
- requital
- rest
- restitution
- retribution
- return
- revenge
- salary
- salvage
- satisfaction
- sleep
- stimulation
- stimulus
- sweepstakes
- sweetener
- sweetening
- tender
- tribute
reward (v.)
reward (adj.)
For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds,
And though a late, a sure reward succeeds.
No sooner is a temple built to God, but the Devil builds a chapel hard by.
Doubt not but angling will prove to be so pleasant that it will prove to be, like virtue, a reward to itself.