sweetener (n.)
- ambrosia
- bait
- bonus
- bounty
- bribe
- carrot
- consideration
- encouragement
- fee
- fillip
- gratuity
- gravy
- grease
- honey
- honeycomb
- honeydew
- honeypot
- honorarium
- incentive
- incitement
- inducement
- interest
- invitation
- lagniappe
- largess
- liberality
- lure
- molasses
- nectar
- payment
- percentage
- perquisite
- pourboire
- premium
- profit
- provocation
- reward
- saccharin
- salve
- sorghum
- stimulation
- stimulus
- sugar
- sweetening
- syrup
- tip
- treacle
Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul!
Sweetener of life! and solder of society!