treacle (n.)
- albumen
- ambrosia
- batter
- butter
- clabber
- cornstarch
- cream
- curd
- dough
- gel
- gelatin
- glop
- glue
- gluten
- goo
- goop
- gruel
- gumbo
- gunk
- honey
- honeycomb
- honeydew
- honeypot
- jam
- jelly
- loblolly
- molasses
- mucilage
- mucus
- nectar
- pap
- paste
- porridge
- pudding
- pulp
- puree
- putty
- rob
- saccharin
- size
- sorghum
- soup
- starch
- sugar
- sweetener
- sweetening
- syrup
The fly that sips treacle is lost in the sweets.