porridge (n.)
- albumen
- batter
- butter
- cataplasm
- cereal
- clabber
- cornstarch
- cream
- crush
- curd
- dough
- farina
- frumenty
- gel
- gelatin
- glop
- glue
- gluten
- goo
- goop
- grits
- gruel
- gumbo
- gunk
- jam
- jelly
- kasha
- loblolly
- mash
- millet
- molasses
- mucilage
- mucus
- mush
- oatmeal
- pap
- paste
- pastiche
- patchwork
- pith
- plaster
- potpourri
- poultice
- pudding
- pulp
- pulpwood
- puree
- putty
- rob
- salad
- salmagundi
- sauce
- size
- smash
- smorgasbord
- soup
- sponge
- squash
- starch
- stew
- syrup
- treacle
Spare your breath to cool your porridge.
Spare your breath to cool your porridge.
I never thrust my nose into other men's porridge. It is no bread and butter of mine; every man for himself, and God for us all.