cadence (n.)
- accent
- accentuation
- acciaccatura
- amphibrach
- anapest
- appoggiatura
- arabesque
- arsis
- beat
- bourdon
- bridge
- burden
- cadency
- cadenza
- caesura
- catalexis
- catenary
- chorus
- coda
- colon
- coloratura
- counterpoint
- dactyl
- decline
- development
- diaeresis
- division
- droop
- embellishment
- emphasis
- exposition
- figure
- flight
- flourish
- folderol
- foot
- grace
- hexameter
- iamb
- iambic
- ictus
- incidental
- interlude
- intermezzo
- ionic
- jingle
- lapse
- lilt
- lowering
- measure
- meter
- metrics
- mora
- movement
- numbers
- ornament
- part
- passage
- pentameter
- period
- phrase
- prosody
- pulse
- pyrrhic
- quantity
- refrain
- resolution
- response
- rhythm
- roulade
- run
- sag
- section
- slump
- spondee
- stanza
- statement
- strain
- stress
- submergence
- subsidence
- swag
- swing
- syzygy
- tailpiece
- tempo
- tetrameter
- thesis
- trochee
- turn
- variation
- verse
Wit will shine
Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line.
What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd!
How sweet their memory still!
But they have left an aching void
The world can never fill.