theme (n.)
- accidence
- action
- affix
- affixation
- allomorph
- angle
- architectonics
- architecture
- argument
- article
- atmosphere
- background
- basis
- burden
- case
- catastrophe
- causerie
- chapter
- characterization
- color
- complication
- composition
- concept
- concern
- conjugation
- continuity
- contrivance
- core
- cutting
- declension
- denouement
- derivation
- descant
- design
- detail
- development
- device
- discourse
- discussion
- disquisition
- dissertation
- episode
- essay
- essence
- etude
- examination
- excursus
- exercise
- exposition
- fable
- feature
- figure
- foil
- form
- formative
- gimmick
- gist
- head
- heading
- homily
- idea
- incident
- infix
- inflection
- issue
- keynote
- leitmotiv
- line
- lucubration
- matter
- meat
- memoir
- monograph
- mood
- morceau
- morph
- morpheme
- morphology
- morphophonemics
- motif
- motive
- movement
- note
- notion
- outline
- paper
- paradigm
- paragraph
- pattern
- peripeteia
- phrase
- piece
- plan
- plot
- point
- prefix
- prefixation
- problem
- prolegomenon
- question
- radical
- recognition
- review
- root
- rubric
- scheme
- screed
- setting
- sketch
- slant
- stem
- story
- structure
- study
- style
- subject
- substance
- suffix
- suffixation
- survey
- switch
- text
- thesis
- thread
- tone
- topic
- touch
- tract
- treatise
- treatment
- twist
theme (v.)
- action
- affix
- angle
- article
- background
- burden
- case
- color
- concern
- core
- descant
- design
- detail
- discourse
- essay
- exercise
- feature
- figure
- foil
- form
- head
- infix
- issue
- keynote
- line
- matter
- morph
- note
- outline
- paper
- paragraph
- pattern
- phrase
- piece
- plan
- plot
- point
- prefix
- question
- review
- root
- rubric
- scheme
- sketch
- slant
- stem
- structure
- study
- style
- subject
- suffix
- survey
- switch
- thread
- tone
- touch
- tract
- twist
Oh, could I flow like thee, and make thy stream
My great example, as it is my theme!
Though deep, yet clear; though gentle, yet not dull;
Strong without rage; without o'erflowing, full.
Fools are my theme, let satire be my song.
The people's prayer, the glad diviner's theme,
The young men's vision, and the old men's dream!
If on my theme I rightly think,
There are five reasons why men drink,—
Good wine, a friend, because I'm dry,
Or lest I should be by and by,
Or any other reason why.
Two truths are told,
As happy prologues to the swelling act
Of the imperial theme.