angle (n.)
- action
- aim
- apex
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- argument
- aspect
- atmosphere
- background
- base
- basis
- bend
- bias
- bifurcation
- bight
- bob
- bow
- branch
- brew
- cabal
- cant
- catastrophe
- characterization
- chevron
- clam
- coin
- color
- complication
- configuration
- continuity
- contrivance
- corner
- countermine
- counterplot
- crank
- crook
- crotchet
- cusp
- deflection
- denouement
- design
- detail
- development
- deviate
- device
- dibble
- direction
- distance
- dogleg
- drive
- edge
- effect
- elbow
- ell
- engineer
- episode
- eye
- fable
- facet
- fashion
- feature
- figure
- finesse
- fish
- flection
- flexure
- footing
- fork
- form
- frame
- framework
- furcation
- gerrymander
- gestalt
- gig
- gimmick
- ground
- guise
- hand
- hatch
- hook
- image
- imago
- impression
- incident
- inflection
- intersection
- intrigue
- item
- jack
- jacklight
- jig
- jockey
- knee
- light
- likeness
- line
- look
- maneuver
- manner
- mood
- motif
- movement
- net
- nook
- oblique
- outlook
- particular
- peripeteia
- perspective
- phase
- phasis
- place
- plan
- plot
- point
- position
- post
- projection
- quoin
- recognition
- reference
- regard
- respect
- rig
- scheme
- seat
- seek
- seine
- semblance
- shape
- shrimp
- side
- sight
- simulacrum
- situation
- slant
- spin
- stand
- standing
- standpoint
- station
- status
- story
- structure
- style
- subject
- sway
- swerve
- switch
- system
- theme
- tone
- topic
- torch
- trawl
- troll
- turn
- turning
- twist
- universe
- vantage
- venue
- vertex
- view
- viewpoint
- wangle
- whale
- wise
- zag
- zig
- zigzag
angle (v.)
- action
- aim
- approach
- background
- base
- bend
- bias
- bifurcate
- bight
- bob
- bow
- branch
- brew
- cabal
- cant
- clam
- coin
- collude
- color
- complot
- concoct
- connive
- conspire
- contrive
- corner
- countermine
- counterplot
- crank
- crook
- deflect
- design
- detail
- deviate
- dibble
- distance
- divagate
- diverge
- drive
- edge
- effect
- elbow
- ell
- engineer
- eye
- fashion
- feature
- figure
- finagle
- fish
- fly-fish
- fork
- form
- frame
- furcate
- gerrymander
- gig
- ground
- guise
- hand
- hatch
- hook
- image
- intrigue
- jack
- jacklight
- jig
- jockey
- light
- line
- look
- machinate
- maneuver
- manipulate
- net
- operate
- phase
- place
- plan
- plot
- point
- position
- post
- reference
- regard
- respect
- rig
- scheme
- seat
- seek
- seine
- shape
- sheer
- shrimp
- side
- sight
- skew
- slant
- slue
- spin
- stand
- station
- still-fish
- structure
- style
- subject
- sway
- swerve
- switch
- theme
- tone
- torch
- trawl
- troll
- turn
- twist
- vantage
- veer
- view
- wangle
- whale
- wise
- zag
- zigzag
angle (adj.)
- base
- bend
- bias
- bifurcate
- branch
- brew
- cant
- color
- corner
- crank
- deviate
- distance
- edge
- effect
- ell
- eye
- fable
- fashion
- figure
- fish
- form
- furcate
- ground
- hand
- hook
- incident
- item
- jack
- light
- line
- net
- oblique
- particular
- phase
- place
- plan
- point
- post
- rig
- seeming
- shape
- sheer
- side
- sight
- skew
- slant
- standing
- story
- style
- subject
- tone
- topic
- turn
- turning
- venue
- wise
- zag
- zigzag
I am, sir, a Brother of the Angle.