design (n.)
- action
- aim
- ambition
- angle
- animus
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- argument
- arrangement
- art
- artifice
- artist
- aspiration
- atmosphere
- attack
- background
- balance
- blind
- blueprint
- bluff
- brainchild
- breed
- bric-a-brac
- brushwork
- cabal
- calculation
- calligraphy
- cartoon
- cast
- catastrophe
- catch
- ceramics
- chalk
- characterization
- charcoal
- chart
- chiaroscuro
- chicanery
- classic
- coin
- color
- complication
- composition
- conception
- concert
- configuration
- connivance
- conspiracy
- constitution
- construct
- construction
- continuity
- contrivance
- copy
- counsel
- coup
- craft
- crayon
- creation
- crosshatch
- curve
- daub
- deceit
- decoration
- deliberation
- delineation
- denouement
- desideratum
- designing
- desire
- detail
- determination
- development
- device
- devise
- diagram
- disposition
- dodge
- doodle
- draft
- draftsmanship
- draw
- drawing
- effect
- elevation
- engraving
- enterprise
- episode
- etching
- expedient
- fable
- fashion
- feint
- fetch
- figure
- figuring
- foil
- forecast
- foresight
- forethought
- forge
- form
- format
- formation
- frame
- function
- gambit
- game
- generate
- gimmick
- goal
- googly
- graph
- grotesque
- grouping
- hatch
- hocus-pocus
- idea
- incident
- intent
- intention
- intrigue
- invention
- joker
- juggle
- jugglery
- kitsch
- knavery
- layout
- line
- lineup
- machination
- make
- maneuver
- manipulation
- map
- mapping
- master
- masterpiece
- mature
- mean
- meaning
- method
- methodology
- mind
- mint
- mobile
- model
- mood
- motif
- motive
- mould
- move
- movement
- nisus
- nude
- object
- objective
- organization
- outline
- paint
- pass
- pastel
- pastiche
- pattern
- pen-and-ink
- pencil
- peripeteia
- perspective
- photography
- picture
- piece
- plan
- planning
- plot
- ploy
- point
- prearrangement
- procedure
- produce
- profile
- program
- project
- projection
- proposal
- prospectus
- prototype
- purport
- purpose
- racket
- rationalization
- recognition
- reflection
- resolution
- resolve
- rough
- ruse
- sake
- schedule
- schema
- schematization
- scheme
- scratch
- sculpture
- scumble
- setting
- setup
- shade
- shading
- shadow
- shape
- shift
- silhouette
- sinopia
- skeleton
- sketch
- slant
- sleight
- spawn
- stabile
- statue
- stencil
- story
- stratagem
- strategy
- striving
- structure
- study
- style
- subject
- subterfuge
- switch
- system
- systematization
- table
- tactic
- tactics
- target
- technique
- theme
- think
- thinking
- thought
- tint
- tone
- topic
- touch
- trace
- tracing
- treatment
- trick
- trickery
- twist
- undertaking
- values
- view
- vignette
- virtu
- volition
- way
- wile
- will
- work
design (v.)
- action
- aim
- ambition
- angle
- approach
- arrange
- art
- attack
- background
- balance
- beget
- blind
- blueprint
- bluff
- breed
- cabal
- calculate
- cartoon
- cast
- catch
- chalk
- charcoal
- chart
- chouse
- coin
- color
- conceive
- concert
- concoct
- construct
- contemplate
- contrive
- copy
- counsel
- coup
- craft
- crayon
- create
- crosshatch
- curve
- daub
- delineate
- depict
- desire
- destine
- detail
- determine
- develop
- devise
- diagram
- dodge
- doodle
- draft
- draw
- effect
- engender
- envisage
- envision
- evolve
- fabricate
- fashion
- feint
- fetch
- figure
- foil
- forecast
- forge
- form
- format
- frame
- function
- game
- generate
- graph
- hatch
- improvise
- intend
- intrigue
- invent
- juggle
- limn
- line
- make
- maneuver
- map
- master
- mature
- mean
- mind
- mint
- mobile
- model
- mould
- move
- nude
- object
- organize
- originate
- outline
- paint
- pass
- pattern
- pencil
- picture
- piece
- plan
- plot
- ploy
- point
- portray
- prearrange
- procreate
- produce
- profile
- program
- project
- propose
- purport
- purpose
- racket
- rationalize
- resolve
- rough
- ruse
- sake
- schedule
- schematize
- scheme
- scratch
- sculpture
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- shift
- silhouette
- sketch
- slant
- spawn
- stencil
- structure
- study
- style
- subject
- switch
- systematize
- table
- target
- theme
- think
- tint
- tone
- touch
- trace
- trick
- twist
- view
- visualize
- way
- will
- work
design (adv.)
Many things difficult to design prove easy to performance.