mean (n.)
- affect
- agency
- agent
- ailing
- aim
- apparatus
- approach
- arrant
- ascetic
- assets
- augur
- authoritarian
- avenue
- average
- backing
- bad
- base
- bigot
- borne
- boss
- brandish
- bully
- bundle
- capital
- carry
- center
- central
- channel
- close
- cockney
- common
- commonplace
- complex
- compromise
- cool
- core
- count
- course
- crackerjack
- cross
- dandy
- deaf
- degenerate
- delicious
- design
- desire
- diameter
- diaphragm
- display
- divine
- ducky
- entail
- equator
- equatorial
- equipment
- estate
- evidence
- exhibit
- express
- fab
- fair
- fashion
- fence
- finances
- flaunt
- flourish
- foretoken
- fortune
- foul
- funds
- gaudy
- gear
- grave
- great
- gross
- hack
- hard
- heart
- heavy
- herald
- highlight
- hint
- holdings
- hope
- hostile
- hot
- imperfect
- import
- incompetent
- inferior
- instrument
- instrumentality
- instrumentation
- interior
- intermediary
- intermediate
- intimate
- irregular
- keen
- kernel
- lean
- least
- limited
- little
- low
- low-down
- machinery
- manifest
- manner
- mark
- mean
- means
- median
- mediterranean
- medium
- menial
- mercenary
- mesne
- method
- mezzo
- mid
- middle
- middling
- midland
- midriff
- midst
- midway
- mind
- ministry
- mode
- moderate
- moderateness
- moderation
- money
- name
- narrow
- nasty
- neat
- niggard
- norm
- normal
- note
- nucleus
- okay
- ordinary
- organ
- par
- parade
- paraphernalia
- pathetic
- peachy
- penny-pinching
- petty
- pile
- plain
- plan
- plebeian
- poky
- poor
- position
- possessions
- presage
- present
- procedure
- process
- produce
- project
- proletarian
- promise
- property
- provincial
- punk
- purport
- purpose
- purse
- rank
- reptilian
- reserves
- resolve
- resources
- ripping
- rough
- routine
- rude
- rum
- sad
- savings
- scant
- scanty
- scurvy
- set
- shoddy
- show
- signal
- simple
- slight
- slim
- small
- smashing
- solid
- sour
- spare
- spell
- spotlight
- standard
- starvation
- steep
- subsistence
- substance
- support
- swell
- system
- technique
- thick
- thin
- think
- through
- tight
- token
- tough
- trumpery
- ugly
- unmentionable
- unwashed
- uphill
- using
- vehicle
- via
- vile
- waist
- waistline
- want
- wave
- way
- ways
- wealth
- wherewithal
- wish
- wizard
- zone
mean (v.)
- affect
- aim
- allegorize
- approach
- argue
- arrant
- assume
- attest
- augur
- average
- bad
- base
- bespeak
- betoken
- boss
- brandish
- breathe
- bully
- bundle
- carry
- center
- channel
- characterize
- close
- communicate
- compromise
- connote
- contemplate
- convey
- cool
- core
- count
- course
- cross
- dangle
- deaf
- degenerate
- demonstrate
- denominate
- denote
- design
- designate
- desire
- destine
- determine
- develop
- differentiate
- dirty
- disclose
- display
- divine
- divulge
- dramatize
- embody
- enact
- entail
- estate
- evidence
- evince
- exhibit
- expect
- express
- fab
- fair
- fashion
- fence
- flaunt
- flourish
- foreshadow
- foretell
- foul
- gear
- grave
- gross
- hack
- hard
- heart
- herald
- highlight
- hint
- hope
- humble
- identify
- illuminate
- implicate
- imply
- import
- incarnate
- indicate
- infer
- insinuate
- instrument
- intend
- intermediate
- intimate
- involve
- keen
- lean
- little
- low
- malign
- manifest
- mark
- materialize
- mean
- mid
- middle
- mind
- mode
- moderate
- name
- narrow
- near
- note
- okay
- par
- parade
- perform
- pile
- plain
- plan
- portend
- position
- prefigure
- presage
- present
- presume
- presuppose
- process
- produce
- project
- promise
- propose
- purport
- purpose
- purse
- rank
- represent
- resolve
- reveal
- rough
- rude
- rum
- scant
- scrimp
- set
- severe
- show
- signal
- signify
- skimp
- slight
- slim
- sour
- spare
- specify
- spell
- spotlight
- steep
- suggest
- support
- suppose
- swell
- symbolize
- testify
- thin
- think
- through
- tight
- token
- typify
- unfold
- vile
- want
- wave
- way
- weigh
- wish
- zone
mean (adj.)
- abject
- abominable
- abstemious
- abstruse
- abysmal
- ailing
- arduous
- arrant
- ascetic
- atrocious
- austere
- authoritarian
- average
- bad
- bad-tempered
- baleful
- banal
- bang-up
- base
- baseborn
- bearish
- beggarly
- bigoted
- bitchy
- bonzer
- borne
- boss
- brutal
- bully
- cantankerous
- capital
- carry
- center
- central
- channel
- cheap
- cheesy
- churlish
- close
- closed
- coarse
- cockney
- common
- commonplace
- complex
- constricted
- contemptible
- cool
- core
- corking
- count
- course
- crabbed
- cramped
- cranky
- critical
- cross
- cross-grained
- cruel
- crummy
- crusty
- cussed
- dandy
- deaf
- debased
- deficient
- degenerate
- degraded
- delicate
- delicious
- demanding
- depraved
- designate
- despicable
- destine
- difficult
- dirty
- disagreeable
- disgraceful
- disgusting
- dismal
- disobliging
- divine
- dreary
- dwarfish
- effective
- equatorial
- equidistant
- estate
- evidence
- exacting
- excellent
- exceptional
- excitable
- execrable
- exiguous
- express
- fab
- fair
- fairish
- fanatical
- fashion
- feisty
- fence
- flagrant
- formidable
- foul
- fractious
- frugal
- fulsome
- gaudy
- gear
- grave
- great
- groovy
- gross
- grudging
- hack
- hairy
- halfway
- hard
- hard-fought
- harmful
- hateful
- heart
- heavy
- heinous
- hidebound
- homely
- hostile
- hot
- huffish
- huffy
- humble
- hunky-dory
- ignoble
- ill-tempered
- illiberal
- imperfect
- imply
- import
- impoverished
- inadequate
- incarnate
- incompetent
- indifferent
- indisposed
- ineffectual
- inferior
- inglorious
- iniquitous
- innocuous
- insufficient
- insular
- interior
- intermediate
- intervening
- intimate
- intricate
- invidious
- irascible
- irregular
- irritable
- jejune
- keen
- knotted
- knotty
- laborious
- lean
- least
- limited
- little
- low
- low-class
- low-down
- low-grade
- lowborn
- lowbred
- lowest
- lowly
- lumpen
- maladroit
- malefic
- maleficent
- malicious
- malign
- malignant
- mangy
- manifest
- mark
- meager
- mean
- measly
- medial
- median
- mediocre
- mediterranean
- medium
- menial
- mercenary
- meretricious
- mesial
- mid
- middle
- middle-of-the-road
- middlemost
- middling
- midland
- midmost
- midway
- mind
- mingy
- miserable
- miserly
- mode
- moderate
- modest
- monstrous
- narrow
- narrow-minded
- nasty
- near
- nearsighted
- neat
- nefarious
- nifty
- niggardly
- nobby
- normal
- noxious
- nuclear
- obnoxious
- odious
- okay
- operose
- ordinary
- ornery
- paltry
- parochial
- parsimonious
- pathetic
- peachy
- penny-pinching
- penurious
- perverse
- pesky
- petty
- pitiable
- pitiful
- plain
- plan
- plebeian
- poky
- poor
- present
- proletarian
- provincial
- punk
- puny
- purblind
- purpose
- rank
- reptilian
- rigorous
- ripping
- rough
- routine
- rubbishy
- rude
- rugged
- rum
- run-down
- sad
- scabby
- scant
- scanty
- scrawny
- scrimpy
- scrubby
- scruffy
- scrumptious
- scummy
- scurvy
- second-best
- second-class
- second-rate
- seedy
- servile
- set
- severe
- shabby
- shabby-genteel
- shoddy
- shortsighted
- signal
- simple
- skilled
- skimpy
- slap-up
- slavish
- sleazy
- slender
- slight
- slim
- small
- small-minded
- smashing
- snappish
- so-so
- solid
- sordid
- sorry
- sour
- spare
- sparing
- spiffing
- spiffy
- spiny
- spiteful
- splenetic
- squalid
- standard
- steep
- stingy
- stinted
- stinting
- straitlaced
- strenuous
- stuffy
- stunning
- stunted
- submissive
- subservient
- support
- surely
- swell
- tacky
- tatty
- teachable
- testy
- thick
- thin
- third-rate
- thorny
- through
- ticklish
- tight
- tightfisted
- tinny
- toilsome
- token
- tough
- trashy
- tricky
- troublous
- twopenny
- twopenny-halfpenny
- ugly
- unaccommodating
- uncharitable
- unchivalrous
- undignified
- undistinguished
- ungenerous
- unimportant
- unkind
- unmentionable
- unpleasant
- unpretentious
- unskillful
- unwashed
- uphill
- using
- usual
- valueless
- vexatious
- vile
- vulgar
- waspish
- watered
- watery
- way
- ways
- weigh
- wicked
- wish
- wizard
- wonderful
- worthless
- wretched
Who love too much, hate in the like extreme,
And both the golden mean alike condemn.
He that holds fast the golden mean,
And lives contentedly between
The little and the great,
Feels not the wants that pinch the poor,
Nor plagues that haunt the rich man's door.
Keep the golden mean between saying too much and too little.