sour (n.)
- acerbity
- acid
- acidity
- acidulousness
- aftertaste
- annoy
- astringent
- bad
- bitter
- caustic
- chokecherry
- crab
- cross
- cutting
- dry
- dryness
- dyspeptic
- ferment
- flat
- flavor
- gamy
- grating
- green
- greenness
- gust
- hard
- high
- hyperacidity
- increase
- keen
- lemon
- lime
- mordant
- nasty
- off
- palate
- peeve
- pickle
- pungency
- rank
- relish
- rough
- salt
- sapidity
- savor
- savoriness
- sec
- sharp
- smack
- sourdough
- sourness
- spoil
- stinging
- stomach
- strong
- sweet
- tang
- tart
- tartness
- taste
- terrible
- tongue
- tooth
- turn
- ugly
- undesirable
- vex
- vinegar
- vinegariness
- vinegarishness
- yogurt
sour (v.)
- acerbate
- acetify
- acidify
- acidulate
- aggravate
- amplify
- annoy
- augment
- bad
- bitter
- crab
- cross
- curdle
- deepen
- deteriorate
- disenchant
- dry
- embitter
- enhance
- enlarge
- envenom
- exacerbate
- exasperate
- ferment
- flat
- flavor
- green
- gust
- hard
- heighten
- high
- increase
- intensify
- irritate
- keen
- lime
- magnify
- off
- peeve
- pickle
- provoke
- rank
- relish
- rough
- salt
- savor
- severe
- sharp
- sharpen
- shrill
- smack
- spoil
- stale
- stomach
- tart
- taste
- tongue
- turn
- turned
- vex
- worsen
sour (adj.)
- abrupt
- acerb
- acerbic
- acid
- acidic
- acidulent
- acidulous
- acrid
- acrimonious
- astringent
- atonal
- bad
- bad-tempered
- bilious
- biting
- bitter
- blown
- brusque
- cacophonous
- caustic
- choleric
- churlish
- coarse
- crabbed
- crabby
- cracked
- cranky
- cross
- crusty
- curdled
- curt
- cutting
- disagreeable
- discontented
- discordant
- disharmonious
- dislikable
- displeasing
- dissonant
- distasteful
- dry
- dyspeptic
- edgy
- fermented
- flat
- gamy
- gloomy
- grating
- green
- grouchy
- gust
- hard
- harsh
- high
- ill-natured
- ill-tempered
- impatient
- inharmonic
- inharmonious
- irritating
- jaundiced
- keen
- lime
- mordant
- morose
- nasty
- off
- off-key
- peevish
- penetrating
- petulant
- pickled
- piercing
- piquant
- poignant
- pungent
- rancid
- rank
- raucous
- reechy
- rough
- salt
- sec
- severe
- sharp
- shrill
- snappish
- soured
- sourish
- spoiled
- spoilt
- stale
- stinging
- strident
- strong
- sullen
- sweet
- tainted
- tart
- taste
- terrible
- testy
- thankless
- tooth
- trenchant
- tuneless
- turn
- turned
- ugly
- unappealing
- unappetizing
- unattractive
- undesirable
- unharmonious
- uninviting
- unlikable
- unmelodious
- unmusical
- unpalatable
- unpleasant
- unpleasing
- unripe
- unsavory
- unsweet
- unsweetened
- untuneful
- unwelcome
- vex
- vinegarish
- vinegary
- vitriolic
Every white will have its blacke,
And every sweet its soure.
The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.
He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one;
Exceeding wise, fair-spoken, and persuading;
Lofty and sour to them that loved him not,
But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.
One writ with me in sour misfortune's book.
Of which, if thou be a severe, sour-complexioned man, then I here disallow thee to be a competent judge.