testy (adj.)
- bad-tempered
- bearish
- bitchy
- cantankerous
- captious
- choleric
- churlish
- contentious
- crabbed
- crabby
- cranky
- cross
- cross-grained
- crotchety
- crusty
- cussed
- disagreeable
- edgy
- excitable
- feisty
- fractious
- fretful
- grouchy
- grumpy
- hot-tempered
- huffish
- huffy
- ill-humored
- ill-tempered
- irascible
- irritable
- mean
- ornery
- peevish
- perverse
- petulant
- quarrelsome
- querulous
- quick-tempered
- short-tempered
- snappish
- spiteful
- splenetic
- tetchy
- touchy
- ugly
- waspish
In all thy humours, whether grave or mellow,
Thou 'rt such a touchy, testy, pleasant fellow,
Hast so much wit and mirth and spleen about thee,
There is no living with thee, nor without thee.