choleric (adj.)
- acerb
- acerbic
- acid
- acidic
- acidulent
- acidulous
- acrimonious
- angry
- bilious
- bitter
- burning
- captious
- caustic
- cranky
- cycloid
- cyclothymic
- dyspeptic
- extrovert
- faultfinding
- fiery
- heated
- hot-tempered
- indignant
- irate
- ireful
- jaundiced
- mad
- melancholic
- phlegmatic
- quick-tempered
- rancorous
- ratty
- resentful
- sanguine
- schizoid
- sore
- sour
- soured
- splenetic
- spunky
- testy
- tetchy
- touchy
- vinegarish
- virulent
- waxy
- wrathful
- wroth
That in the captain's but a choleric word
Which in the soldier is flat blasphemy.