reveal (v.)
- affect
- air
- argue
- bare
- bespeak
- betoken
- betray
- brandish
- breathe
- characterize
- clear
- communicate
- confide
- connote
- dangle
- demonstrate
- denominate
- denote
- develop
- differentiate
- disclose
- discover
- disinter
- display
- divulge
- dramatize
- embody
- enact
- entail
- evidence
- evince
- excavate
- exhibit
- exhume
- expose
- express
- flaunt
- flourish
- free
- give
- highlight
- hint
- identify
- illuminate
- impart
- incarnate
- indicate
- involve
- manifest
- mark
- materialize
- mean
- note
- open
- parade
- perform
- present
- produce
- publish
- represent
- show
- signify
- spotlight
- suggest
- tell
- testify
- token
- unblock
- uncase
- uncloak
- unclog
- uncork
- uncover
- undo
- undrape
- unearth
- unfold
- unfurl
- unlock
- unmask
- unpack
- unplug
- unroll
- unseal
- unsheathe
- unveil
- unwrap
- utter
- vent
- ventilate
- wave
As aromatic plants bestow
No spicy fragrance while they grow;
But crush'd or trodden to the ground,
Diffuse their balmy sweets around.