Careful Words

instrument (n.)

instrument (v.)

We bow our heads before Thee, and we laud

And magnify thy name Almighty God!

But man is thy most awful instrument

In working out a pure intent.

William Wordsworth (1770-1850): Ode. Imagination before Content.

  Themistocles said that he certainly could not make use of any stringed instrument; could only, were a small and obscure city put into his hands, make it great and glorious.

Plutarch (46(?)-120(?) a d): Life of Themistocles.

We understood

Her by her sight; her pure and eloquent blood

Spoke in her cheeks, and so distinctly wrought

That one might almost say her body thought.

Dr John Donne (1573-1631): Funeral Elegies. On the Death of Mistress Drury.

He made an instrument to know

If the moon shine at full or no.

Samuel Butler (1600-1680): Hudibras. Part ii. Canto iii. Line 261.