tool (n.)
- adz
- agency
- agent
- aid
- amanuensis
- apparatus
- appliance
- auto
- avenue
- awl
- ax
- backscratcher
- backslapper
- bar
- bevel
- bodkin
- bootlicker
- bradawl
- brownie
- buffer
- bushwhacker
- character
- charioteer
- chaser
- chisel
- chuck
- chump
- clamp
- clasp
- clawback
- cleaver
- clerk
- clinch
- clip
- clipper
- consignee
- contraption
- contrivance
- courtier
- cramp
- crease
- creature
- cribble
- crosshatch
- crowbar
- cut
- dagger
- device
- dibble
- dog
- dress
- dummy
- dupe
- edger
- factor
- fawner
- fed
- file
- flail
- flatterer
- flunky
- forceps
- fork
- functionary
- furrow
- gadget
- gimmick
- gizmo
- go-between
- gouge
- grab
- grapnel
- grapple
- grappler
- grave
- grindstone
- grip
- groove
- groveler
- hack
- handmaid
- handmaiden
- hatch
- hatchet
- hawk
- helot
- hireling
- hoe
- holdfast
- hook
- implement
- instrument
- instrumentality
- intermediary
- intermediate
- intermedium
- jack
- jackal
- jackknife
- jackscrew
- jointer
- knife
- lackey
- lance
- lancet
- lathe
- level
- lever
- line
- lithograph
- machete
- machine
- mark
- mattock
- means
- mechanism
- mediator
- medium
- midwife
- mill
- minion
- motor
- official
- organ
- ornament
- pawn
- peavey
- penknife
- peon
- pick
- pickax
- pilot
- pincers
- pitchfork
- planer
- plaything
- pliers
- plowshare
- puller
- punch
- puppet
- ram
- rammer
- ramrod
- razor
- road
- sax
- scalpel
- scissors
- scoop
- score
- scrape
- scraper
- scratch
- screwdriver
- sculpture
- scythe
- secretary
- serf
- servant
- shape
- shaper
- share
- shears
- sickle
- slave
- snips
- spaniel
- spatula
- spear
- spokeshave
- square
- stapler
- steward
- stooge
- suck
- sucker
- sword
- sycophant
- tackle
- tamp
- tamper
- tap
- timeserver
- toad
- toady
- tongs
- toy
- truckler
- tweezers
- utensil
- vehicle
- vise
- way
- weapon
- wedge
- wheel
- work
- wrench
- yes-man
tool (v.)
- aid
- awl
- ax
- bar
- bevel
- bootlick
- brown-nose
- buffer
- carve
- character
- chisel
- chuck
- clamp
- clasp
- clerk
- clinch
- clip
- cramp
- crease
- cribble
- crosshatch
- cut
- decorate
- dibble
- dog
- dress
- dummy
- dupe
- embellish
- engrave
- factor
- file
- flail
- fork
- furrow
- gouge
- grab
- grapple
- grave
- grindstone
- grip
- groove
- hack
- hatch
- hawk
- hoe
- hook
- implement
- incise
- inscribe
- instrument
- intermediate
- jack
- jackknife
- knife
- lance
- level
- lever
- line
- lithograph
- machine
- mark
- mechanize
- mill
- motor
- motorize
- ornament
- pawn
- pick
- pilot
- pitchfork
- punch
- ram
- razor
- retool
- road
- scoop
- score
- scrape
- scratch
- sculpture
- scythe
- shape
- share
- sharpen
- slave
- spear
- square
- stipple
- stooge
- suck
- tackle
- tamp
- tamper
- tap
- toady
- toy
- vise
- way
- wedge
- wheel
- work
- wrench
So that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.