pick (n.)
- abuse
- adz
- amass
- annoy
- arrest
- ax
- badger
- bait
- beak
- best
- bother
- bristle
- brush
- bug
- bully
- bunt
- bushwhacker
- bust
- buy
- catch
- champion
- chaser
- chisel
- choice
- chosen
- chuck
- cleaver
- clipper
- co-optation
- co-option
- collar
- collect
- contract
- cream
- crop
- cull
- cut
- dab
- dagger
- decision
- devil
- dig
- distemper
- dog
- elect
- election
- elite
- excerpt
- exclusive
- exercise
- extract
- fat
- filling
- fillip
- find
- flick
- flip
- flirt
- flower
- gain
- garner
- gather
- get
- gouge
- graze
- gripe
- grub
- hack
- harry
- harvest
- hassle
- hatchet
- hay
- heckle
- hector
- heft
- hoe
- hoist
- hound
- increase
- initiate
- irk
- jackknife
- jest
- kill
- knife
- lance
- lancet
- machete
- mark
- master
- mattock
- meet
- miff
- mow
- nag
- needle
- nettle
- nibble
- nick
- nonesuch
- nonpareil
- nosh
- nut
- optimum
- option
- paragon
- pat
- peck
- peeve
- penknife
- pickax
- pinch
- pique
- plague
- plectron
- plectrum
- plowshare
- pluck
- plunk
- pother
- preference
- pride
- prime
- prize
- purchase
- queen
- quintessence
- rally
- rap
- razor
- ride
- rile
- roil
- ruffle
- sax
- scalpel
- scissors
- scoop
- scraper
- scythe
- selection
- separate
- share
- shears
- shoot
- sickle
- snack
- snap
- snips
- spear
- spokeshave
- start
- strum
- superlative
- sword
- take
- tap
- taunt
- tease
- thrum
- tickle
- tip
- top
- torment
- touch
- twang
- vex
- volition
- warp
- wedge
- weft
- whisk
- will
- winnow
- woof
- worry
pick (v.)
- abuse
- accelerate
- accost
- accumulate
- acquire
- aggravate
- amass
- annoy
- apprehend
- arrest
- assemble
- ax
- badger
- bait
- beak
- bedevil
- beset
- best
- bother
- bristle
- browbeat
- brush
- bug
- bully
- bullyrag
- bunt
- bust
- buy
- catch
- champion
- chisel
- chivy
- choose
- chuck
- collar
- collect
- contract
- cream
- criticize
- crop
- cull
- cut
- dab
- devil
- dig
- discern
- discompose
- discriminate
- distemper
- distinguish
- disturb
- dog
- elect
- exasperate
- excerpt
- exercise
- extract
- fat
- find
- flick
- flip
- flirt
- flower
- foment
- gain
- garner
- gather
- get
- glean
- gouge
- graze
- gripe
- grub
- hack
- harass
- harry
- harvest
- hassle
- hay
- heckle
- hector
- heft
- hoe
- hoist
- hound
- improve
- incite
- increase
- initiate
- intimidate
- irk
- irritate
- jackknife
- jest
- kill
- knife
- lance
- learn
- mark
- master
- meet
- miff
- molest
- mow
- nab
- nag
- neaten
- needle
- nettle
- nibble
- nick
- niggle
- nosh
- nut
- obtain
- pat
- peck
- peeve
- persecute
- pester
- pinch
- pique
- plague
- pluck
- plunk
- pother
- prefer
- pride
- prime
- prize
- provoke
- purchase
- queen
- rally
- rap
- razor
- reap
- recognize
- recoup
- recover
- ride
- rile
- roil
- ruffle
- scoop
- scythe
- select
- separate
- share
- shoot
- sift
- snack
- snap
- spear
- start
- strum
- take
- tap
- taunt
- tease
- thrum
- tickle
- tip
- top
- torment
- touch
- twang
- vex
- warp
- wedge
- whisk
- will
- winnow
- worry
pick (adj.)
A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket.
As aromatic plants bestow
No spicy fragrance while they grow;
But crush'd or trodden to the ground,
Diffuse their balmy sweets around.