spear (n.)
- assegai
- auger
- axis
- bag
- bayonet
- bill
- bine
- bite
- blade
- bole
- bore
- bough
- bract
- bracteole
- bractlet
- branch
- broach
- cane
- carpophore
- catch
- caudex
- caulis
- cotyledon
- countersink
- culm
- dagger
- deadwood
- dirk
- drill
- entangle
- fix
- flag
- flagellum
- fork
- foul
- frond
- funiculus
- glume
- gore
- gouge
- halberd
- harpoon
- haulm
- hole
- honeycomb
- hook
- involucre
- javelin
- knife
- lamina
- lance
- land
- lasso
- leaf
- leaflet
- leafstalk
- lemma
- ligule
- limb
- mesh
- nail
- needle
- net
- noose
- offshoot
- partisan
- pedicel
- peduncle
- petal
- petiole
- petiolule
- pierce
- pike
- pile
- pink
- poniard
- prick
- punch
- puncture
- ramification
- ream
- reed
- riddle
- rope
- runner
- saber
- sack
- scion
- sepal
- shoot
- skewer
- slip
- snag
- snare
- spathe
- spike
- spire
- spit
- spray
- sprig
- sprit
- sprout
- stab
- stalk
- stem
- stick
- stiletto
- stipe
- stipule
- stock
- stolon
- straw
- sucker
- switch
- sword
- take
- tangle
- tap
- tendril
- thallus
- trap
- trepan
- trephine
- trunk
- twig
spear (v.)
- bag
- bayonet
- bill
- bine
- bite
- blade
- bore
- branch
- broach
- burgeon
- cane
- catch
- countersink
- drill
- enmesh
- ensnare
- entangle
- entrap
- fix
- flag
- fork
- foul
- gore
- gouge
- harpoon
- hole
- honeycomb
- hook
- impale
- knife
- lance
- land
- lasso
- leaf
- limb
- mesh
- nail
- needle
- net
- noose
- penetrate
- perforate
- pierce
- pike
- pile
- pink
- poniard
- prick
- punch
- puncture
- ream
- reed
- riddle
- rope
- saber
- sack
- shoot
- skewer
- slip
- snag
- snare
- spike
- spire
- spit
- spray
- sprout
- stab
- stalk
- stem
- stick
- stock
- straw
- switch
- take
- tangle
- tap
- transfix
- trap
- trepan
- trephine
- twig
But Memory blushes at the sneer,
And Honor turns with frown defiant,
And Freedom, leaning on her spear,
Laughs louder than the laughing giant.
Him thus intent Ithuriel with his spear
Touch'd lightly; for no falsehood can endure
Touch of celestial temper.
When Prussia hurried to the field,
And snatched the spear, but left the shield.