level (n.)
- address
- aim
- akin
- alabaster
- alike
- altitude
- amount
- attribute
- automatic
- balance
- band
- basin
- bed
- bedding
- belt
- blood
- bottomland
- bracket
- branch
- bulldog
- caliber
- campo
- cancel
- cast
- caste
- category
- champaign
- clan
- class
- clerestory
- compass
- complement
- consonant
- constant
- coordinate
- correspondent
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- course
- cut
- cutting
- dab
- damp
- deck
- degree
- delta
- desert
- division
- down
- downs
- drag
- dress
- drop
- dub
- due
- earth
- elevation
- entresol
- equal
- equivalent
- esplanade
- estate
- even
- extent
- fair
- fell
- filler
- fit
- flat
- flats
- floor
- flush
- focus
- function
- gallery
- glass
- good
- grade
- grassland
- grease
- ground
- group
- grouping
- half-and-half
- harrow
- head
- heading
- heath
- height
- horizontal
- ice
- incline
- interval
- invariable
- ivory
- kin
- label
- lay
- layer
- leap
- ledge
- legal
- like
- llano
- lowland
- lowlands
- mahogany
- marble
- mare
- mark
- measure
- measures
- meet
- mesa
- mezzanine
- modifier
- moor
- moorland
- mow
- notch
- nuance
- object
- oil
- open
- order
- orderly
- overlayer
- pampas
- par
- parallel
- parterre
- pas
- peg
- peneplain
- period
- pigeonhole
- pitch
- plain
- plains
- plane
- plaster
- plateau
- platform
- point
- poise
- position
- prairie
- precipitate
- predicament
- predicate
- proportion
- qualifier
- race
- range
- rank
- rase
- rating
- ratio
- raze
- reach
- regular
- remove
- right
- roll
- round
- rubric
- rung
- same
- satin
- savanna
- scale
- scope
- seam
- section
- sept
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shave
- shelf
- silk
- slide
- slot
- smash
- smooth
- space
- square
- stable
- stage
- stair
- standard
- standing
- station
- status
- steady
- steamroller
- step
- steppe
- stereotype
- stint
- story
- straight
- strain
- strata
- stratum
- structure
- suave
- subdivision
- subgroup
- subject
- suborder
- substratum
- superstratum
- syntax
- table
- tableland
- tabloid
- terrace
- thickness
- throw
- tier
- title
- topple
- topsoil
- train
- tread
- trip
- true
- tumble
- tundra
- turn
- uniform
- upland
- upright
- vega
- veld
- velvet
- vertical
- very
- weald
- wold
- wreck
- zero
- zone
level (v.)
- accommodate
- address
- adjust
- aim
- align
- amount
- attribute
- balance
- band
- bed
- belt
- blood
- bracket
- branch
- bulldog
- bulldoze
- cancel
- cast
- class
- compass
- compensate
- complement
- coordinate
- counterbalance
- counterpoise
- countervail
- course
- cut
- dab
- damp
- deck
- demolish
- desert
- destroy
- devastate
- direct
- down
- drag
- dress
- drop
- dub
- due
- earth
- equal
- equalize
- equate
- equilibrize
- estate
- even
- fair
- fell
- fit
- flat
- flatten
- floor
- flush
- focus
- function
- glass
- good
- grade
- grease
- ground
- group
- harmonize
- harrow
- head
- homogenize
- ice
- incline
- integrate
- just
- kin
- label
- lay
- layer
- leap
- ledge
- like
- lubricate
- marble
- mark
- measure
- meet
- moor
- mow
- normalize
- notch
- object
- oil
- open
- order
- par
- parallel
- peg
- pigeonhole
- pitch
- plain
- plane
- plaster
- point
- poise
- position
- precipitate
- predicate
- proportion
- prostrate
- quits
- race
- range
- rank
- rase
- raze
- reach
- regularize
- regulate
- remove
- right
- roll
- round
- rubric
- scale
- scope
- seam
- section
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shave
- slide
- slot
- smash
- smooth
- smoothen
- space
- spread-eagle
- square
- stabilize
- stable
- stage
- standardize
- station
- steady
- steamroll
- steamroller
- step
- stereotype
- stint
- strain
- structure
- subject
- supinate
- symmetrize
- table
- terrace
- throw
- title
- topple
- train
- tread
- trip
- true
- tumble
- turn
- uniform
- uniformize
- unturned
- upright
- with
- wreck
- zero
- zone
level (adj.)
- accordant
- akin
- alabaster
- align
- aligned
- alike
- altitude
- amount
- appositive
- attributive
- automatic
- balanced
- band
- bed
- belt
- blood
- branch
- cast
- caste
- class
- commensurate
- consistent
- consonant
- constant
- continuous
- coordinate
- correspondent
- course
- cut
- cutting
- damp
- defensible
- deserved
- direct
- down
- downy
- drawn
- dress
- due
- earth
- equable
- equal
- equalized
- equate
- equitable
- equivalent
- estate
- even
- evenhanded
- fair
- fell
- fifty-fifty
- fit
- flat
- flattened
- floor
- flush
- glabrescent
- glabrous
- good
- grade
- ground
- group
- half-and-half
- head
- height
- homogeneous
- honest
- horizontal
- ice
- identical
- immutable
- invariable
- just
- justifiable
- justified
- kin
- knotted
- lawful
- lay
- legal
- lengthways
- lengthwise
- level-headed
- like
- lineal
- linear
- lowland
- mark
- measured
- mechanical
- meet
- merited
- monolithic
- notch
- oil
- open
- order
- ordered
- orderly
- parallel
- peg
- persistent
- plain
- plane
- point
- precipitate
- prone
- proper
- proportionate
- prostrate
- quits
- range
- rank
- rating
- reach
- rectilineal
- rectilinear
- regular
- right
- rightful
- robotlike
- roll
- rolled
- round
- rung
- same
- scale
- section
- set
- shelf
- similar
- sincere
- smooth
- smooth-shaven
- smooth-textured
- smoothened
- spread-eagle
- square
- squashed
- stable
- stage
- stair
- stalemated
- standard
- standing
- steadfast
- steady
- step
- story
- straight
- straightforward
- streamlined
- suave
- subject
- supine
- systematic
- table
- tabular
- tied
- trip
- trodden
- true
- tumble
- turn
- unalterable
- unbending
- unbent
- unbowed
- unbroken
- unchangeable
- unchanged
- unchanging
- uncurved
- undeviating
- undifferentiated
- undistorted
- undiversified
- uniform
- uninterrupted
- unruffled
- unswerving
- unturned
- unvaried
- unvarying
- upland
- upright
- velvet
- vertical
- very
- warrantable
- warranted
- with
- zero
Like an arrow shot
From a well-experienc'd archer hits the mark
His eye doth level at.
Let still the woman take
An elder than herself: so wears she to him,
So sways she level in her husband's heart:
For, boy, however we do praise ourselves,
Our fancies are more giddy and unfirm,
More longing, wavering, sooner lost and worn,
Than women's are.