drag (n.)
- adduct
- adduction
- affinity
- aggravation
- allurement
- amble
- annoyance
- arrest
- artery
- attraction
- attractiveness
- avenue
- bag
- bale
- barge
- bedevilment
- bit
- block
- bore
- bother
- botheration
- boulevard
- brake
- bundle
- burden
- burthen
- capillarity
- cargo
- cascade
- chain
- charge
- chaw
- check
- checkrein
- chew
- chewing
- chock
- clog
- clout
- clump
- coax
- countercheck
- crawl
- creep
- cumber
- cumbrance
- curb
- dab
- damper
- deceleration
- delay
- detention
- devilment
- difficulty
- dogtrot
- doorstop
- downer
- draft
- drain
- drape
- draw
- dress
- drip
- drogue
- droop
- dub
- encumbrance
- even
- exasperation
- fall
- falter
- favor
- fetter
- flag
- flagging
- flap
- flop
- flounce
- flow
- foot
- freight
- gait
- gallop
- grade
- gravitation
- gravity
- grease
- hale
- halt
- handicap
- hang
- harassment
- harrow
- haul
- headache
- heave
- highway
- hitch
- hobble
- holdup
- hop
- humdrum
- idle
- in
- inch
- incubus
- incumbency
- influence
- interest
- jog
- jolt
- jump
- lading
- lag
- lay
- laze
- letdown
- letup
- level
- limp
- linger
- load
- loading
- loiter
- lop
- lug
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- lure
- magnet
- magnetism
- martingale
- millstone
- mince
- molestation
- mow
- nod
- nuisance
- obstruction
- oil
- oppression
- overload
- pace
- paddle
- path
- peg
- pelham
- pend
- persecution
- pest
- piaffe
- pill
- plane
- plaster
- plod
- poke
- potter
- prance
- pressure
- problem
- puff
- pull
- rack
- remora
- resistance
- retard
- retardation
- road
- roll
- sag
- sashay
- saunter
- scotch
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- setback
- shackle
- shamble
- shave
- shuffle
- single-foot
- skip
- slackening
- slouch
- slowdown
- slowing
- slowness
- smoke
- smoking
- smooth
- snaffle
- snake
- spoke
- stagger
- stalk
- stall
- stamp
- stay
- step
- stomp
- stop
- straddle
- straggle
- strain
- street
- stride
- stroll
- strut
- stump
- suction
- surcharge
- swag
- swagger
- swill
- swing
- sympathy
- thoroughfare
- totter
- tow
- track
- traction
- trail
- train
- trammel
- trawl
- tread
- trial
- trip
- troll
- trot
- trouble
- trudge
- tug
- twaddler
- velocity
- vexation
- waddle
- walk
- way
- weep
- wiggle
- wobble
- worm
- worriment
- worry
drag (v.)
- adduct
- amble
- arrest
- attract
- bag
- bale
- barge
- bit
- block
- bore
- bother
- brake
- bundle
- burden
- burthen
- cascade
- chain
- chain-smoke
- charge
- chaw
- check
- chew
- chock
- clog
- clout
- clump
- coax
- confine
- countercheck
- crawl
- creep
- cumber
- curb
- dab
- dally
- dangle
- dawdle
- delay
- depend
- detain
- dillydally
- distract
- draft
- draggle
- drain
- drape
- draw
- drench
- dress
- drip
- droop
- dub
- equalize
- even
- fall
- falter
- favor
- fetter
- flag
- flap
- flatten
- flop
- flounce
- flow
- foot
- footslog
- freight
- gallop
- grade
- grease
- hale
- halt
- handicap
- hang
- harrow
- haul
- heave
- hinder
- hitch
- hobble
- hop
- idle
- impede
- in
- inch
- induce
- influence
- inhale
- interest
- jog
- jolt
- jump
- lag
- lallygag
- lay
- laze
- level
- limp
- linger
- load
- loiter
- lollygag
- lop
- lubricate
- lug
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- lure
- magnetize
- mince
- mosey
- mow
- nod
- obstruct
- oil
- overload
- pace
- paddle
- peg
- pend
- persuade
- pill
- plane
- plaster
- plod
- poke
- potter
- prance
- pressure
- procrastinate
- puff
- pull
- rack
- retard
- road
- roll
- sag
- sashay
- saunter
- scotch
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- shackle
- shamble
- shave
- shuffle
- sidle
- single-foot
- skip
- slacken
- slink
- slither
- slog
- slouch
- smoke
- smooth
- snaffle
- snake
- stagger
- stalk
- stall
- stamp
- stay
- step
- stomp
- stop
- straddle
- straggle
- strain
- stride
- stroll
- strut
- stump
- suction
- surcharge
- swag
- swagger
- swill
- swing
- tarry
- tittup
- toddle
- totter
- tow
- track
- trail
- train
- traipse
- trammel
- trawl
- tread
- trip
- troll
- trot
- trouble
- trudge
- tug
- waddle
- walk
- wamble
- way
- weep
- wheedle
- wiggle
- wobble
- worm
- worry
I thank God, that if I am gifted with little of the spirit which is able to raise mortals to the skies, I have yet none, as I trust, of that other spirit which would drag angels down.
Soon shall thy arm, unconquer'd steam! afar
Drag the slow barge, or drive the rapid car;
Or on wide-waving wings expanded bear
The flying chariot through the field of air.