medium (n.)
- actor
- agency
- agent
- ambiance
- ambience
- appliance
- approach
- arbitrator
- arc
- architect
- atmosphere
- author
- avenue
- average
- balance
- bionomics
- broker
- brush
- canvas
- center
- central
- chalk
- channel
- charcoal
- chromogen
- climate
- coat
- coating
- color
- coloring
- common
- compromise
- connection
- contact
- contrivance
- conveyance
- core
- course
- crayon
- creator
- creature
- crown
- deputy
- device
- dimmer
- distemper
- distillate
- distillation
- distributor
- doer
- done
- drier
- dummy
- dupe
- dye
- dyestuff
- easel
- ecology
- ecosystem
- element
- elixir
- environment
- equatorial
- essence
- executant
- executor
- executrix
- expedient
- fabric
- fabricator
- fair
- fence
- fixative
- flood
- floodlight
- folio
- footlights
- front
- gelatin
- generality
- gist
- go-between
- ground
- handmaid
- handmaiden
- heart
- imperial
- implement
- instrument
- instrumentality
- instrumentation
- intercessor
- interior
- intermediary
- intermediate
- intermediation
- intermediator
- intermedium
- internuncio
- jobber
- kernel
- lever
- liaison
- lights
- limelight
- link
- maker
- marquee
- marrow
- material
- matter
- maulstick
- mean
- means
- meat
- mechanism
- median
- mediary
- mediator
- mediocrity
- mediterranean
- mesne
- method
- metier
- mezzo
- mid
- middle
- middleman
- middling
- midland
- midpoint
- midway
- midwife
- milieu
- minion
- ministry
- mode
- moderate
- moderateness
- moderation
- mouthpiece
- mover
- namby-pamby
- necromancer
- negotiant
- negotiator
- negotiatress
- negotiatrix
- neutral
- norm
- normal
- nub
- octavo
- ombudsman
- operative
- operator
- ordinary
- organ
- oyster
- paint
- paintbrush
- palette
- par
- pastel
- pawn
- pencil
- performer
- perpetrator
- pigment
- pigments
- pith
- plaything
- practitioner
- primer
- priming
- producer
- psychic
- puppet
- quarto
- quintessence
- road
- route
- routine
- royal
- rule
- run
- sap
- servant
- siccative
- sketchbook
- slave
- soul
- spatula
- spirit
- spiritualist
- spokesman
- spokeswoman
- spot
- spotlight
- stain
- standard
- stooge
- stuff
- stump
- subject
- substance
- super
- surroundings
- tangible
- technique
- tempera
- thinner
- tie
- tinction
- tincture
- tool
- toy
- turpentine
- turps
- undercoat
- varnish
- vehicle
- wash
- way
- wholesaler
- worker
medium (adj.)
- ambient
- average
- banal
- center
- central
- channel
- charcoal
- color
- common
- core
- course
- crown
- done
- dull
- dummy
- ecstatic
- equatorial
- equidistant
- essence
- everyday
- expedient
- fair
- fairish
- fence
- front
- ground
- halfway
- heart
- imperial
- indifferent
- insipid
- interior
- intermediate
- intervening
- lackluster
- lever
- material
- mean
- medial
- median
- mediocre
- mediterranean
- mesial
- mid
- middle
- middle-of-the-road
- middling
- midland
- midway
- mode
- moderate
- modest
- namby-pamby
- neutral
- normal
- nub
- nuclear
- operant
- operative
- ordinary
- overdone
- passable
- pastel
- popular
- psychic
- respectable
- road
- routine
- royal
- run
- run-of-the-mill
- servant
- slave
- so-so
- spiritualist
- spot
- standard
- subject
- super
- tangible
- tedious
- tie
- tolerable
- usual
- vapid
- vulgar
- wash
- way
- well-done
- wishy-washy
A generous friendship no cold medium knows,
Burns with one love, with one resentment glows.