neutral (n.)
- abstract
- beige
- bland
- broad
- centrist
- cogwheel
- cold
- collective
- compromiser
- conservative
- contemplative
- cool
- dead
- differential
- dim
- do-nothing
- drab
- ecru
- even
- faint
- fair
- fallow
- fence-sitter
- flat
- freethinker
- freewheel
- gear
- gearbox
- gearing
- gearshift
- general
- generic
- gray
- haggard
- half-and-half
- high
- idle
- independent
- individualist
- intermediate
- isolationist
- latitudinarian
- liberal
- libertarian
- libertine
- low
- lurid
- mat
- midway
- moderate
- moderationist
- mugwump
- neuter
- nonpartisan
- objective
- overdrive
- pale
- paralytic
- passive
- pasty
- quietist
- rack
- remote
- reverse
- sallow
- sovereign
- static
- synchromesh
- transmission
- vague
- vegetable
- wan
- waxen
- weak
- white
neutral (adj.)
- abstract
- achromatic
- achromic
- aloof
- anemic
- apathetic
- asexual
- ashen
- ashy
- autarchic
- autarkic
- autonomous
- beige
- bland
- bloodless
- broad
- cadaverous
- candid
- castrated
- centrist
- changeable
- cold
- collective
- colorless
- conservative
- contemplative
- cool
- dead
- detached
- differential
- dim
- dimmed
- dingy
- disinterested
- dispassionate
- do-nothing
- dormant
- drab
- dull
- emasculated
- equitable
- etiolated
- even
- evenhanded
- exsanguine
- faded
- faint
- fair
- fallow
- featureless
- fifty-fifty
- flat
- freewheeling
- frigid
- frustrated
- gear
- general
- generalized
- generic
- ghastly
- gray
- haggard
- half-and-half
- halfhearted
- high
- hueless
- idle
- immobile
- impartial
- impersonal
- impotent
- inactive
- indecisive
- indefinite
- independent
- indeterminate
- indifferent
- indistinct
- indistinguishable
- individualist
- individualistic
- inert
- insipid
- intermediate
- irresolute
- isolationist
- just
- lackluster
- laissez-faire
- latitudinarian
- leaden
- liberal
- libertarian
- libertine
- livid
- lofty
- low
- lukewarm
- lurid
- lusterless
- mat
- mealy
- meditative
- midway
- milky
- moderate
- motionless
- muddy
- mushy
- nebulous
- neuter
- nonaligned
- noncommittal
- nonpartisan
- nonspecific
- objective
- pale
- pale-faced
- pallid
- paralytic
- paralyzed
- passive
- pasty
- perfunctory
- quiescent
- rack
- remote
- removed
- reverse
- sallow
- self-contained
- self-governing
- self-reliant
- self-sufficient
- self-supporting
- selfless
- sexless
- sickly
- sovereign
- stagnant
- standpat
- static
- stationary
- tasteless
- tepid
- toneless
- unaffiliated
- unbiased
- uncolored
- uncommitted
- undifferentiated
- uninfluenced
- uninvolved
- unprejudiced
- unselfish
- unsexed
- unspecified
- unswayed
- vague
- vapid
- vegetative
- wan
- washed-out
- watery
- waxen
- weak
- white
- wide
- wishy-washy
- withdrawn
Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious,
Loyal and neutral, in a moment?