game (n.)
- action
- aim
- amusement
- animality
- approach
- archery
- ardent
- arrangement
- art
- artifice
- aspic
- attack
- baccarat
- backgammon
- bad
- badminton
- bagatelle
- ball
- banker
- barbecue
- baseball
- basketball
- beano
- beasts
- bet
- billiards
- bingo
- blackjack
- blind
- blueprint
- bluff
- bold
- bout
- bowling
- bowls
- boxing
- brag
- brave
- bridge
- business
- butt
- byword
- cabal
- calculation
- call
- calling
- canasta
- career
- careerism
- casino
- cat
- catch
- cattle
- charades
- chase
- checkers
- chess
- chicanery
- civet
- climbing
- collusion
- commerce
- competition
- compliant
- complicity
- conception
- confederacy
- connivance
- conspiracy
- content
- contest
- contract
- contrivance
- cooperative
- counterplot
- coup
- covin
- craft
- cribbage
- cricket
- croquet
- curling
- daring
- decathlon
- deceit
- derby
- derision
- design
- destination
- device
- devices
- disabled
- discus
- disposition
- distraction
- diversion
- dodge
- dominoes
- doubles
- draughts
- dupe
- eager
- ecarte
- encounter
- end
- engagement
- engineering
- enterprise
- euchre
- event
- expedient
- fake
- faro
- fauna
- feint
- fencing
- fetch
- field
- fight
- figuring
- finesse
- fishing
- fives
- flesh
- flinch
- fool
- football
- forcemeat
- foresight
- forethought
- forward
- foursome
- frame-up
- fright
- frog
- fun
- gambit
- gamble
- games
- gamy
- ghost
- gimmick
- gin
- gliding
- go
- goal
- goat
- golf
- gritty
- gymkhana
- hachis
- halt
- handball
- handicapped
- handicraft
- hash
- hearts
- heroic
- hide-and-seek
- hiking
- hockey
- hopscotch
- horseshoes
- hunting
- hurdling
- idea
- intention
- intrigue
- jacks
- jackstones
- jackstraws
- jerky
- jest
- job
- joint
- joke
- joust
- jugglery
- keno
- kill
- knavery
- lacrosse
- lame
- laughingstock
- lay
- layout
- leapfrog
- lifework
- limping
- line
- lineup
- livestock
- lobbyism
- loo
- lot
- lottery
- lotto
- luging
- machination
- maimed
- maneuver
- manipulation
- mapping
- marbles
- mark
- match
- matching
- matrimony
- meat
- meet
- meeting
- method
- methodology
- metier
- mince
- mission
- mockery
- monkey
- monte
- motorcycling
- mountaineering
- move
- mumble-the-peg
- mystery
- napoleon
- ninepins
- number
- object
- objective
- occupation
- ombre
- organization
- pall-mall
- pallone
- pastime
- patience
- pelota
- pemmican
- pentathlon
- picnic
- plan
- planning
- play
- pliant
- plot
- ploy
- poker
- polo
- pool
- position
- practice
- prearrangement
- pretend
- prey
- procedure
- profession
- program
- prompt
- pursuit
- pushball
- quadrille
- quarry
- quick
- quoits
- race
- racket
- racquets
- rally
- rationalization
- ready
- recreation
- regatta
- reverse
- riding
- rigging
- roast
- round
- rounders
- rowing
- rum
- rummy
- runoff
- ruse
- sailing
- sailplaning
- schedule
- schema
- schematization
- scheme
- scrapple
- sculling
- set
- setup
- seven-up
- shift
- shinny
- shooting
- shuffleboard
- singles
- skat
- skating
- skeet
- skiing
- skittles
- sledding
- sleight
- snooker
- soccer
- softball
- solitaire
- specialization
- specialty
- speculation
- sport
- squash
- stake
- stickball
- stock
- stratagem
- strategy
- strings
- subterfuge
- surfing
- system
- systematization
- tactic
- tactics
- target
- teleology
- tennis
- tenpins
- test
- tetherball
- threesome
- ticktacktoe
- tiddlywinks
- tilt
- tilting
- tivoli
- tobogganing
- toss
- tough
- tournament
- tourney
- toy
- trade
- trapshooting
- trial
- trick
- trickery
- twenty-one
- twosome
- venison
- victim
- vingt-et-un
- vocation
- volleyball
- wager
- walk
- way
- whist
- wildlife
- wile
- willing
- work
- wrestling
game (v.)
- action
- aim
- approach
- art
- attack
- bad
- ball
- bandy
- barbecue
- bet
- blackjack
- blind
- blueprint
- bluff
- bold
- bout
- brag
- brave
- bridge
- butt
- cabal
- call
- career
- cat
- catch
- chase
- commit
- complot
- content
- contest
- contract
- counterplot
- coup
- craft
- cricket
- croquet
- design
- dissemble
- dissimulate
- dodge
- dupe
- encounter
- end
- event
- fake
- feign
- feint
- fetch
- field
- fight
- flesh
- flinch
- fool
- forward
- fright
- frog
- fun
- gamble
- ghost
- gin
- go
- golf
- halt
- hash
- intrigue
- jest
- job
- joint
- joke
- joust
- kill
- lame
- lay
- leapfrog
- line
- loo
- lot
- maneuver
- mark
- match
- meet
- mince
- misrepresent
- mission
- monkey
- move
- number
- object
- picnic
- plan
- play
- plot
- ploy
- pool
- position
- practice
- pretend
- prey
- program
- prompt
- quarry
- race
- racket
- rally
- ready
- reverse
- roast
- round
- rum
- ruse
- schedule
- scheme
- set
- shift
- shinny
- snooker
- speculate
- sport
- squash
- stake
- stock
- strings
- target
- test
- tilt
- toss
- tourney
- toy
- trade
- trick
- wager
- walk
- way
- wires
- work
game (adv.)
game (adj.)
- acquiescent
- adventurous
- agreeable
- alacritous
- amenable
- ardent
- art
- attack
- bad
- ball
- bandy
- blind
- bluff
- bold
- bout
- brag
- brave
- castrated
- cat
- climbing
- compliant
- consenting
- content
- cooperative
- courageous
- craft
- crippled
- curling
- daring
- dauntless
- devil-may-care
- disabled
- disposed
- docile
- eager
- emasculated
- end
- enterprise
- enthusiastic
- expedient
- fain
- fake
- favorable
- fearless
- field
- flesh
- forethought
- forward
- gamy
- gin
- go
- gritty
- gutsy
- halt
- halting
- handicapped
- heroic
- high-spirited
- hunting
- incapacitated
- inclined
- intrepid
- jerky
- job
- joint
- kill
- lame
- lay
- line
- lot
- lotto
- maimed
- mark
- matching
- meet
- meeting
- mettlesome
- minded
- nervy
- objective
- ombre
- pertinacious
- plan
- play
- pliant
- plucky
- practice
- predisposed
- prepared
- pretend
- program
- prompt
- prone
- quick
- ready
- receptive
- red-blooded
- resolute
- responsive
- reverse
- riding
- roast
- round
- rowing
- rum
- rummy
- ruse
- scheming
- set
- shift
- shooting
- spavined
- spirited
- spunky
- stock
- tactic
- target
- tenacious
- test
- thirty-one
- tilt
- tough
- tractable
- trial
- twenty-one
- unafraid
- undaunted
- unflinching
- valiant
- valorous
- way
- well-disposed
- willed
- willing
- work
- zealous
The game is up.
Our hopes, like towering falcons, aim
At objects in an airy height;
The little pleasure of the game
Is from afar to view the flight.
The twelve good rules, the royal game of goose.
A clear fire, a clean hearth, and the rigour of the game.
But war's a game which were their subjects wise
Kings would not play at.
Whose game was empires and whose stakes were thrones,
Whose table earth, whose dice were human bones.