brave (n.)
- affront
- baffle
- balk
- banter
- bear
- beard
- bide
- blast
- bold
- bravura
- breast
- bright
- brook
- bulldog
- challenge
- chance
- checkmate
- chichi
- chutzpanik
- counter
- countermand
- cross
- dare
- daring
- dash
- defeat
- demigod
- dish
- elude
- encounter
- face
- fine
- flashing
- foil
- front
- gallant
- gamble
- game
- gamecock
- gay
- grand
- gritty
- halberdier
- hardy
- hazard
- hero
- heroic
- heroine
- legionary
- lion
- lump
- macho
- man-at-arms
- meet
- noble
- paladin
- rifle
- rifleman
- risk
- ruin
- sabotage
- scotch
- serviceman
- smart
- soldier
- spectacular
- spike
- spoil
- stalwart
- stand
- stem
- stick
- stout
- stump
- support
- thwart
- tiger
- upset
- useful
- venture
- warrior
brave (v.)
- abide
- affront
- baffle
- balk
- banter
- bear
- beard
- bide
- blast
- bold
- brazen
- breast
- brook
- bulldog
- challenge
- chance
- checkmate
- circumvent
- confound
- confront
- contravene
- counter
- counteract
- countermand
- cross
- dare
- dash
- defeat
- defy
- destroy
- discomfit
- disconcert
- discountenance
- dish
- disrupt
- elude
- encounter
- endure
- envisage
- face
- fine
- flummox
- foil
- front
- frustrate
- gamble
- game
- hazard
- lion
- lump
- meet
- noble
- nonplus
- outface
- perplex
- persevere
- rifle
- risk
- ruin
- sabotage
- scotch
- smart
- soldier
- spike
- spoil
- stand
- staunch
- stem
- stick
- stonewall
- stump
- suffer
- support
- sustain
- thwart
- tolerate
- upset
- venture
brave (adj.)
- advantageous
- audacious
- aweless
- beneficial
- bold
- braw
- brazen
- breast
- bright
- chance
- chichi
- chivalric
- chivalrous
- colorful
- confident
- counter
- courageous
- cross
- daring
- dash
- dashing
- dauntless
- defiant
- dish
- dressy
- exhibitionistic
- face
- favorable
- fearless
- fine
- flashy
- frilly
- front
- frothy
- gallant
- game
- gay
- glittering
- grand
- greathearted
- gritty
- gutsy
- handsome
- hardy
- hazard
- helpful
- heroic
- indomitable
- intrepid
- jaunty
- jazzy
- knightly
- lion
- lionhearted
- lump
- macho
- manful
- manly
- meet
- mettlesome
- noble
- plucky
- propitious
- rakish
- resolute
- risk
- scotch
- showy
- smart
- snazzy
- soldierlike
- soldierly
- spectacular
- spirited
- splashy
- splendid
- sporty
- spunky
- stalwart
- staunch
- steadfast
- stick
- stout
- stouthearted
- support
- toward
- unafraid
- unapprehensive
- undaunted
- undismayed
- unfearing
- unflinching
- unfrightened
- unshrinking
- unswerving
- unyielding
- upset
- useful
- valiant
- valorous
- venturesome
- vivid
The only faith that wears well and holds its color in all weathers, is that which is woven of conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience.
Oh for a tongue to curse the slave
Whose treason, like a deadly blight,
Comes o'er the councils of the brave,
And blasts them in their hour of might!
How well Horatius kept the bridge
In the brave days of old.
None but the brave deserves the fair.
Fears of the brave, and follies of the wise!
From Marlb'rough's eyes the streams of dotage flow,
And Swift expires, a driv'ler and a show.
Fortune helps the brave.
And the star-spangled banner, oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
How sleep the brave who sink to rest
By all their country's wishes bless'd!
When all the blandishments of life are gone,
The coward sneaks to death, the brave live on.
Then to side with Truth is noble when we share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit, and 't is prosperous to be just;
Then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside,
Doubting in his abject spirit, till his Lord is crucified.
A brave man struggling in the storms of fate,
And greatly falling with a falling state.
While Cato gives his little senate laws,
What bosom beats not in his country's cause?
Brave men were living before Agamemnon.
Toll for the brave!—
The brave that are no more!
All sunk beneath the wave,
Fast by their native shore!
Grieving, if aught inanimate e'er grieves,
Over the unreturning brave.
Toll for the brave!—
The brave that are no more!
All sunk beneath the wave,
Fast by their native shore!
The combat deepens. On, ye brave,
Who rush to glory or the grave!
Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave,
And charge with all thy chivalry!