hazard (n.)
- accident
- adventure
- ante
- attempt
- back
- bet
- bingo
- block
- blockade
- book
- bottleneck
- brave
- call
- cardhouse
- casualty
- catch
- chance
- chunk
- come
- compromise
- contingency
- contingent
- cordon
- cover
- craps
- crisis
- curtain
- danger
- dare
- determent
- deterrent
- difficulty
- drawback
- emergency
- endangerment
- expose
- fade
- flier
- fluke
- fortuity
- fortune
- gamble
- handbook
- hang-up
- hap
- happening
- happenstance
- hitch
- hurdle
- infirmity
- insecurity
- instability
- insubstantiality
- jeopardy
- joker
- keno
- lay
- lotto
- luck
- menace
- objection
- obstacle
- obstruction
- parlay
- pass
- peril
- perilousness
- pinball
- pinch
- play
- plight
- plunge
- policy
- precariousness
- predicament
- pretend
- punt
- quicksand
- risk
- riskiness
- roulette
- rub
- see
- shakiness
- shiftiness
- shot
- slipperiness
- snag
- speculation
- speculativeness
- stake
- strait
- sweepstakes
- threat
- treachery
- trente-et-quarante
- uncertainty
- undependability
- unreliability
- unsoundness
- unsteadiness
- untrustworthiness
- venture
- wager
hazard (v.)
- adventure
- ante
- assume
- attempt
- back
- bechance
- befall
- bet
- betide
- block
- blockade
- book
- bottleneck
- brave
- call
- catch
- chance
- chunk
- come
- compromise
- cover
- craps
- curtain
- danger
- dare
- endanger
- expose
- fade
- gamble
- hap
- happen
- hitch
- hurdle
- imperil
- jeopardize
- lay
- luck
- menace
- parlay
- pass
- peril
- pinch
- play
- plight
- plunge
- presume
- pretend
- punt
- risk
- rub
- see
- snag
- stake
- threaten
- venture
- wager
hazard (adv.)
hazard (adj.)
I waive the quantum o' the sin,
The hazard of concealing;
But, och! it hardens a' within,
And petrifies the feeling!
I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die:
I think there be six Richmonds in the field.