recreation (n.)
- amusement
- bracer
- bracing
- cordial
- dissipation
- distraction
- diversion
- ease
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- exhilaration
- frolic
- fun
- hilarity
- invigoration
- jollity
- mirth
- pastime
- pick-me-up
- play
- pleasure
- refection
- refreshment
- relaxation
- renewal
- repose
- revival
- revivification
- solace
- sport
- stimulation
- tonic
- vivification
We may say of angling as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries: "Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did;" and so, if I might be judge, God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling.