pellucid (adj.)
- chaste
- classic
- clean-cut
- clear
- clear-cut
- cloudless
- coherent
- connected
- consistent
- crisp
- crystalline
- defined
- definite
- diaphanous
- direct
- distinct
- easy
- elegant
- explicit
- express
- filmy
- finished
- gauzy
- gossamer
- graceful
- gracile
- light
- lightsome
- limpid
- lucent
- lucid
- luculent
- luminous
- natural
- neat
- perspicuous
- plain
- polished
- pure
- refined
- restrained
- revealing
- round
- see-through
- serene
- sheer
- simple
- straightforward
- tasteful
- terse
- thin
- translucent
- transparent
- trim
- unaffected
- unambiguous
- unclouded
- unconfused
- unequivocal
- univocal
- unmistakable
- well-defined
Of all that is most beauteous, imaged there
In happier beauty; more pellucid streams,
An ampler ether, a diviner air,
And fields invested with purpureal gleams.