marred (adj.)
- bandy
- bandy-legged
- battered
- blemished
- blighted
- botched
- bowlegged
- cacophonic
- cacophonous
- checked
- cracked
- crazed
- defective
- deformed
- destroyed
- disfigured
- distorted
- dysphemistic
- faulty
- flatfooted
- flawed
- grotesque
- homely
- ill-proportioned
- impaired
- inelegant
- knock-kneed
- malformed
- misbegotten
- misshapen
- monstrous
- mutilated
- pigeon-toed
- pimpled
- pimply
- plain
- pug-nosed
- rachitic
- rickety
- ruined
- scabby
- scarred
- snub-nosed
- split
- spoiled
- spoilt
- stumpy
- swaybacked
- truncated
- twisted
- ugly
- unaesthetic
- unattractive
- uncomely
- unlovely
- unpleasing
- unsightly
- warped
- wrecked
Profan'd the God-given strength, and marr'd the lofty line.
A young man married is a man that's marr'd.