excuse (n.)
- absolution
- acknowledgment
- acquittal
- acquittance
- alibi
- allow
- amnesty
- apology
- basis
- blind
- cause
- clear
- clearance
- clearing
- cloak
- color
- condonation
- confession
- contrition
- cover
- cover-up
- defence
- defense
- device
- discharge
- dismissal
- disregard
- escape
- evasion
- exculpation
- exempt
- exemption
- exoneration
- explanation
- extenuation
- facade
- feint
- forgiveness
- foundation
- free
- front
- gloss
- grace
- grounds
- guise
- handle
- heedlessness
- ignore
- immunity
- indemnity
- indulgence
- justification
- loophole
- makeshift
- mask
- mitigation
- out
- overlook
- palliation
- pardon
- penitence
- permit
- plea
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- protestation
- purgation
- purge
- purging
- quietus
- quittance
- rationale
- rationalization
- reason
- redemption
- refuge
- regrets
- release
- remise
- remission
- remit
- reprieve
- right
- screen
- semblance
- sham
- shift
- show
- shrift
- spare
- stalking-horse
- stall
- stopgap
- story
- stratagem
- substitute
- subterfuge
- trick
- varnish
- veil
- vindication
- warrant
- whitewash
excuse (v.)
- absolve
- acquit
- alibi
- allow
- amnesty
- blind
- cause
- clear
- cloak
- color
- condone
- cover
- decontaminate
- defend
- discharge
- dismiss
- dispense
- disregard
- escape
- except
- exculpate
- exempt
- exonerate
- explain
- extenuate
- feint
- forgive
- free
- front
- gloss
- grace
- guise
- handle
- ignore
- justify
- liberate
- mask
- mitigate
- out
- overlook
- palliate
- pardon
- permit
- purge
- rationalize
- reason
- release
- relieve
- remise
- remit
- reprieve
- right
- screen
- sham
- shift
- show
- shrive
- spare
- stall
- substitute
- trick
- varnish
- veil
- vindicate
- warrant
- whitewash
And oftentimes excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse.
If eyes were made for seeing,
Then Beauty is its own excuse for being.
Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen;
Here's to the widow of fifty;
Here's to the flaunting, extravagant quean,
And here's to the housewife that's thrifty!
Let the toast pass;
Drink to the lass;
I 'll warrant she 'll prove an excuse for the glass.
I am in earnest. I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard!
In her face excuse
Came prologue, and apology too prompt.