bound (n.)
- absolute
- affiliate
- associate
- backfire
- backlash
- betrothed
- bind
- blockade
- boomerang
- border
- bounce
- boundary
- bounds
- bourn
- buck
- cage
- cannon
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- carom
- ceiling
- chamber
- circumscription
- clear
- collateral
- compass
- condition
- confines
- conjugate
- coop
- copyright
- cordon
- corral
- curvet
- cutoff
- deadline
- delimitation
- determinant
- discipline
- divide
- doomed
- earnest
- edge
- end
- extent
- extremity
- fast
- finish
- finite
- fix
- floor
- foul
- fox-trot
- frame
- fringe
- frolic
- frontier
- full
- gallop
- gambol
- get
- git
- handspring
- hedge
- hem
- hop
- hotfoot
- hurdle
- inevitable
- interface
- intimate
- jail
- jete
- jig
- jump
- kennel
- kick
- kickback
- lap
- leaguer
- leap
- leapfrog
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- limited
- limits
- line
- list
- lop
- lope
- march
- marge
- margin
- mark
- measure
- mete
- mew
- moderate
- morris
- narrow
- necessary
- parallel
- patent
- pen
- positive
- pounce
- purl
- quarantine
- rebound
- rebuff
- recoil
- register
- repercussion
- repulse
- resilience
- ricochet
- rim
- romp
- run
- scant
- separate
- shrine
- shut-in
- side
- skip
- skirt
- spring
- sprint
- stable
- start
- steeplechase
- step
- stint
- strait
- sure
- surround
- term
- terminus
- threshold
- trim
- trip
- trot
- true
- vault
- verge
- wed
- wrap
- yard
bound (v.)
- adjoin
- affiliate
- associate
- backfire
- backlash
- beleaguer
- beset
- besiege
- bind
- blockade
- boomerang
- border
- bounce
- buck
- cage
- cannon
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- carom
- ceiling
- certain
- chamber
- circumscribe
- clear
- compass
- condition
- confine
- conjugate
- contain
- coop
- copulate
- copyright
- corral
- curvet
- define
- delimit
- delimitate
- demarcate
- determine
- discipline
- divide
- edge
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- end
- enshrine
- fast
- finish
- fix
- floor
- foul
- frame
- fringe
- frolic
- full
- gallop
- gambol
- get
- hedge
- hem
- hightail
- hop
- hotfoot
- hurdle
- impound
- imprison
- incarcerate
- include
- intimate
- jail
- jig
- jump
- kennel
- kick
- lap
- leaguer
- leap
- leapfrog
- limit
- line
- list
- lop
- lope
- march
- mark
- measure
- mew
- moderate
- narrow
- necessary
- negotiate
- obligate
- obstinate
- overleap
- parallel
- patent
- pen
- pounce
- purl
- qualify
- quarantine
- rebound
- rebuff
- recalcitrate
- recoil
- register
- repercuss
- repulse
- resile
- restrain
- restrict
- ricochet
- rim
- romp
- run
- scant
- separate
- shrine
- side
- skip
- skirt
- specialize
- specify
- spring
- sprint
- stable
- start
- step
- stint
- straiten
- sure
- surround
- term
- trim
- trip
- trot
- true
- vault
- verge
- wed
- wrap
bound (adj.)
- absolute
- affiliated
- allied
- apodictic
- apprenticed
- articled
- associate
- assured
- barred
- beholden
- besieged
- betrothed
- blockaded
- blocked
- booked
- bounded
- bounden
- bounds
- certain
- choked
- clear
- clogged
- cloistered
- collateral
- collected
- committed
- compromised
- conclusive
- condition
- conditioned
- confined
- congested
- conjoined
- conjugate
- connected
- constipated
- constrained
- contracted
- copyrighted
- correlated
- costive
- coupled
- cramped
- decided
- decisive
- dedicated
- definite
- destined
- determinant
- determinate
- determined
- devoted
- directed
- disciplined
- doomed
- duty-bound
- earnest
- edge
- enclosed
- end
- engaged
- fast
- fastened
- fated
- fenced
- fettered
- finite
- fixed
- floor
- forced
- foul
- fouled
- full
- gathered
- get
- guaranteed
- hampered
- headed
- hedged
- implicated
- imprisoned
- incorporated
- indentured
- ineluctable
- inevitable
- integrated
- intended
- interrelated
- intimate
- involved
- jailed
- jammed
- joined
- knotted
- likely
- limited
- limits
- line
- linked
- list
- lope
- marginate
- mark
- matched
- mated
- merged
- moderate
- moderated
- narrow
- necessary
- obligate
- obligated
- obliged
- obstinate
- obstructed
- packed
- paired
- parallel
- patent
- patented
- pen
- pent-up
- persevering
- persistent
- pledged
- plugged
- positive
- predestined
- predetermined
- prescribed
- promised
- proscribed
- purposeful
- qualified
- quarantined
- related
- relentless
- required
- resolute
- resolved
- restrained
- restricted
- rim
- run
- saddled
- scant
- scheduled
- secured
- separate
- serious
- shackled
- shut-in
- side
- sincere
- single-minded
- stable
- start
- step
- stopped
- strait
- stuffed
- sure
- sure-enough
- sworn
- tenacious
- term
- tethered
- tied
- trammeled
- trim
- trip
- true
- twinned
- unambiguous
- undivided
- unequivocal
- united
- univocal
- unmistakable
- warranted
- wed
- wedded
- wholehearted
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
Hide, oh, hide those hills of snow
Which thy frozen bosom bears,
On whose tops the pinks that grow
Are of those that April wears!
But first set my poor heart free,
Bound in those icy chains by thee.
But now I am cabin'd, cribb'd, confined, bound in
To saucy doubts and fears.