extremity (n.)
- abandon
- abstract
- acme
- acuteness
- agony
- all
- anguish
- animality
- apex
- apogee
- arch
- arms
- atrocity
- bale
- barbarity
- bitterness
- bloodlust
- border
- bound
- boundary
- boundlessness
- bounds
- bourn
- box
- brow
- brutality
- butt
- cap
- ceiling
- circumscription
- clear
- climacteric
- climax
- clubfoot
- clutch
- compass
- corner
- crest
- crisis
- crossroads
- crown
- crunch
- crushing
- culmination
- cutoff
- deadline
- deadlock
- deathbed
- deathwatch
- delimitation
- depression
- desolation
- despair
- destructiveness
- determinant
- difference
- digit
- dog
- edge
- emergency
- end
- enormousness
- exaggeration
- excess
- excessiveness
- exigency
- exorbitance
- extravagance
- extravagancy
- extreme
- extremism
- feet
- ferociousness
- fetlock
- fierceness
- fingers
- finish
- floor
- foot
- force
- forefoot
- forepaw
- free
- frontier
- furiousness
- giantism
- gigantism
- gluttony
- grief
- halt
- hands
- harefoot
- harshness
- heartache
- heaven
- heavens
- hedge
- heel
- height
- hinge
- hole
- hoof
- hyperbole
- hypertrophy
- immoderateness
- immoderation
- impasse
- impetuosity
- inclemency
- incontinence
- infelicity
- inhumanity
- inordinateness
- instep
- intemperance
- intemperateness
- intensity
- interface
- legs
- limbs
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- limits
- line
- malignity
- march
- margin
- mark
- maximum
- melancholia
- melancholy
- mercilessness
- meridian
- mete
- mindlessness
- misery
- murderousness
- nib
- nimiety
- noon
- outrageousness
- overgrowth
- overindulgence
- overmuch
- overmuchness
- pad
- pass
- pastern
- paw
- peak
- periphery
- pes
- pinch
- pinnacle
- pitch
- pitilessness
- point
- pole
- prostration
- pug
- push
- radicalism
- release
- rescue
- resolve
- ridge
- rigor
- roughness
- rub
- sadness
- savagery
- separate
- severity
- sharpness
- sky
- sole
- spire
- splayfoot
- stalemate
- stand
- standstill
- start
- stop
- strait
- stub
- stump
- summit
- tag
- tail
- term
- termination
- terminus
- terrorism
- threshold
- tip
- toe
- toes
- top
- trotter
- turn
- untie
- utmost
- uttermost
- vandalism
- vehemence
- venom
- vertex
- viciousness
- violence
- virulence
- wings
- woe
- wretchedness
- zenith
A fiery soul, which, working out its way,
Fretted the pygmy-body to decay,
And o'er-inform'd the tenement of clay.
A daring pilot in extremity;
Pleas'd with the danger, when the waves went high
He sought the storms.
In man's most dark extremity
Oft succour dawns from Heaven.