digression (n.)
- aberrancy
- aberration
- ambages
- apostrophe
- aside
- bend
- bias
- bypass
- bypath
- byway
- circuit
- circuitry
- circularity
- circulation
- circumlocution
- circumnavigation
- corner
- crook
- curve
- declination
- deflection
- departure
- detour
- deviance
- deviation
- deviousness
- divagation
- divarication
- divergence
- diversion
- dogleg
- double
- drift
- drifting
- episode
- errantry
- excursion
- excursus
- gyre
- hairpin
- incident
- indirection
- indirectness
- nonconformity
- obliqueness
- obliquity
- orbit
- parenthesis
- rambling
- roundabout
- rounding
- shift
- shifting
- sidetrack
- skewness
- slant
- spiral
- squint
- sweep
- swerve
- swerving
- swinging
- tack
- turn
- turning
- twist
- vagary
- variation
- wandering
- warp
- wheeling
- yaw
- zigzag
And there began a lang digression
About the lords o' the creation.