breathless (adj.)
- ablaze
- abrupt
- afire
- agape
- aghast
- agog
- airless
- alacritous
- amazed
- animated
- antsy
- anxious
- aphasic
- aphonic
- ardent
- asleep
- astonished
- astounded
- athirst
- avid
- awed
- awestruck
- beguiled
- bewildered
- bewitched
- breakneck
- burning
- captivated
- close
- confounded
- cordial
- dead
- deceased
- defunct
- delirious
- departed
- desirous
- drunk
- dumb
- dumbfounded
- dumbstricken
- dumbstruck
- eager
- edgy
- enchanted
- enraptured
- enthralled
- enthusiastic
- entranced
- exanimate
- excited
- exhausted
- exuberant
- fallen
- fascinated
- febrile
- fervent
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- fiery
- finished
- flabbergasted
- flaming
- flushed
- forward
- fretful
- gaping
- glowing
- gone
- hasty
- headlong
- hearty
- heated
- hopped-up
- hot
- hypnotized
- impassioned
- impatient
- impetuous
- impulsive
- inanimate
- inarticulate
- intense
- intoxicated
- keen
- late
- lifeless
- lively
- mesmerized
- mum
- mute
- open-eyed
- openmouthed
- oppressive
- passionate
- popeyed
- precipitant
- precipitate
- precipitous
- prompt
- puffed
- puzzled
- quick
- rash
- ready
- red-hot
- released
- restive
- restless
- sainted
- short-winded
- sleeping
- speechless
- spellbound
- spent
- spirited
- staring
- steaming
- steamy
- stifling
- still
- stillborn
- stuffy
- stupefied
- sudden
- suffocating
- sultry
- surprised
- thirsty
- thunderstruck
- tongue-tied
- tongueless
- uneasy
- unquiet
- unrestrained
- unvented
- unventilated
- vigorous
- vital
- vivacious
- vivid
- voiceless
- warm
- wheezing
- wide-eyed
- winded
- windless
- wonder-struck
- wondering
- wordless
- zealous
- zestful
The holy time is quiet as a nun
Breathless with adoration.