animal (n.)
- aardvark
- aardwolf
- alpaca
- ammonite
- ankylosaur
- anteater
- antelope
- anthropophagite
- aoudad
- apar
- armadillo
- ass
- aurochs
- badger
- bandicoot
- barbarian
- bassarisk
- bat
- bawdy
- bear
- beast
- beaver
- being
- bettong
- binturong
- bison
- bobcat
- brute
- buffalo
- burro
- cachalot
- camel
- camelopard
- cannibal
- capybara
- carabao
- caribou
- cat
- catamount
- cattalo
- cavy
- chamois
- cheetah
- chevrotain
- chinchilla
- chipmunk
- compsognathus
- coon
- cougar
- cow
- coyote
- coypu
- creature
- critter
- crossopterygian
- crude
- cur
- deer
- demoniac
- destroyer
- dimetrodon
- dingo
- diplodocus
- dog
- donkey
- dormouse
- dromedary
- echidna
- eland
- elephant
- elk
- ermine
- erotic
- eurypterid
- eyra
- fell
- ferret
- fisher
- fitch
- foumart
- fox
- gazelle
- gemsbok
- genet
- giraffe
- glutton
- gnu
- goat
- gopher
- gross
- groundhog
- guanaco
- hadrosaur
- hamster
- hare
- hartebeest
- hedgehog
- hippopotamus
- hog
- horse
- hot
- hound
- hyena
- hyrax
- ibex
- infernal
- insect
- jackal
- jackass
- jackrabbit
- jaguar
- jaguarundi
- jerboa
- kangaroo
- karakul
- kinkajou
- koala
- lapin
- lemming
- leopard
- lion
- llama
- lynx
- mammal
- mammoth
- man-eater
- mara
- marmot
- marten
- mastodon
- material
- meerkat
- mink
- mole
- mongoose
- mongrel
- monster
- moose
- mouflon
- mouse
- mule
- muntjac
- muskrat
- musquash
- nihilist
- nilgai
- nutria
- ocelot
- okapi
- onager
- opossum
- organism
- otter
- ounce
- ox
- painter
- panda
- pangolin
- panther
- peccary
- peludo
- pelycosaur
- phalanger
- pig
- platypus
- plesiosaur
- polecat
- porcupine
- possum
- poyou
- primitive
- pronghorn
- protoceratops
- pterodactyl
- pterosaur
- puma
- rabbit
- raccoon
- randy
- rat
- reindeer
- reptile
- rhinoceros
- roe
- roebuck
- rude
- sable
- sauropod
- savage
- serpent
- serval
- sexual
- shark
- sheep
- shrew
- sika
- skunk
- sloth
- snake
- springbok
- squirrel
- stoat
- suslik
- swine
- takin
- tamandua
- tamarin
- tapir
- tarpan
- tatou
- tatouay
- tiger
- titanosaur
- trachodon
- triceratops
- trilobite
- troglodyte
- tyrannosaur
- uintathere
- urus
- vandal
- varmint
- vermin
- viper
- vole
- wallaby
- warthog
- waterbuck
- weasel
- whelp
- whistler
- wild
- wildcat
- wildebeest
- wolf
- wolverine
- wombat
- woodchuck
- worm
- wrecker
- yak
- zebra
- zebu
- zoic
- zooid
- zoril
animal (adj.)
- animalistic
- anthropophagous
- ass
- atrocious
- barbarian
- barbaric
- barbarous
- bawdy
- beastly
- bestial
- bloodthirsty
- bloody
- bloody-minded
- bodily
- brutal
- brute
- brutish
- cannibalistic
- carnal
- cat
- coarse
- concupiscent
- crude
- cruel
- demoniac
- demoniacal
- devilish
- diabolic
- dirty
- dog
- dumb
- earthy
- erotic
- fallen
- fell
- feral
- ferine
- ferocious
- fiendish
- fierce
- fleshly
- gross
- hellish
- horny
- horse
- hot
- ill-bred
- impolite
- infernal
- inhuman
- inhumane
- instinctive
- lapsed
- lascivious
- lecherous
- lewd
- libidinous
- lion
- lubricious
- lustful
- mammoth
- material
- materialistic
- mindless
- murderous
- noncivilized
- nonrational
- nymphomaniacal
- obscene
- orgiastic
- outlandish
- ox
- physical
- priapic
- primitive
- prurient
- randy
- rough-and-ready
- rude
- ruthless
- sable
- sadistic
- salacious
- sanguinary
- sanguineous
- satanic
- satyric
- savage
- sensual
- sexual
- sexy
- subhuman
- swinish
- truculent
- unchristian
- uncivil
- uncivilized
- uncombed
- uncouth
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- unhuman
- unkempt
- unpolished
- unrefined
- untamed
- vicious
- wild
- wildcat
- wolfish
- zoic
- zoological
The happiness and unhappiness of the rational, social animal depends not on what he feels but on what he does; just as his virtue and vice consist not in feeling but in doing.
Man is a noble animal, splendid in ashes and pompous in the grave.
Plato having defined man to be a two-legged animal without feathers, Diogenes plucked a cock and brought it into the Academy, and said, "This is Plato's man." On which account this addition was made to the definition,—"With broad flat nails."
They also say that God is an animal immortal, rational, perfect, and intellectual in his happiness, unsusceptible of any kind of evil, having a foreknowledge of the universe and of all that is in the universe; however, that he has not the figure of a man; and that he is the creator of the universe, and as it were the Father of all things in common, and that a portion of him pervades everything.