itching (n.)
- abscess
- ague
- anemia
- ankylosis
- anoxia
- apnea
- appetence
- appetency
- appetite
- asphyxiation
- asthma
- ataxia
- atrophy
- backache
- bleeding
- cachexia
- cachexy
- chill
- colic
- constipation
- convulsion
- coughing
- craving
- cyanosis
- diarrhea
- dizziness
- dropsy
- dysentery
- dyspepsia
- dyspnea
- edema
- emaciation
- fatigue
- fever
- fibrillation
- flux
- growth
- hemorrhage
- hot
- hunger
- hydrops
- hypertension
- hypotension
- icterus
- indigestion
- inflammation
- insomnia
- itch
- itchiness
- jaundice
- lumbago
- mania
- marasmus
- nausea
- necrosis
- pain
- paralysis
- prurience
- pruriency
- pruritus
- randy
- rash
- rheum
- sclerosis
- seizure
- shock
- sneezing
- sore
- spasm
- tabes
- tachycardia
- thirst
- tumor
- vertigo
- vomiting
- wasting
itching (adj.)
You yourself
Are much condemn'd to have an itching palm.