opening (n.)
- abysm
- abyss
- access
- adit
- aisle
- alley
- alpha
- ambulatory
- aperture
- apparition
- appearance
- appearing
- appointment
- approach
- arcade
- arroyo
- artery
- avatar
- avenue
- bareness
- barrenness
- beginning
- berth
- billet
- birth
- blankness
- bleakness
- blowhole
- breach
- break
- canyon
- cavity
- chance
- channel
- chap
- chasm
- check
- chimney
- chink
- chute
- cleft
- cloister
- col
- colonnade
- coming
- commencement
- communication
- conduit
- connection
- corridor
- crack
- cranny
- creation
- crevasse
- crevice
- cut
- cwm
- dawn
- dawning
- debut
- defile
- dell
- demonstration
- dike
- disclosure
- discontinuity
- display
- ditch
- door
- draw
- edge
- egress
- emergence
- employment
- emptiness
- enactment
- engagement
- entrance
- entranceway
- entree
- entry
- entryway
- epiphany
- escape
- establishment
- estuary
- excavation
- exhaust
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exit
- exposition
- exposure
- fault
- ferry
- fissure
- flaw
- floodgate
- flume
- foothold
- ford
- foundation
- fracture
- furrow
- gallery
- gangplank
- gangway
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gig
- gorge
- groove
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- hall
- hole
- hollowness
- in
- inanition
- inauguration
- incarnation
- incision
- incumbency
- ingress
- initiation
- inlet
- institution
- intake
- interchange
- intersection
- issuance
- job
- joint
- junction
- lane
- launch
- leak
- liberty
- loophole
- manifestation
- materialization
- moat
- notch
- nullah
- occasion
- occurrence
- office
- oncoming
- onset
- opportunism
- opportunity
- orifice
- origin
- origination
- ostentation
- out
- outbreak
- outcome
- outfall
- outgo
- outlet
- outset
- overpass
- pass
- passage
- passageway
- performance
- pit
- place
- pore
- port
- portico
- position
- post
- presentation
- presentment
- production
- projection
- ravine
- realization
- rent
- representation
- retrospective
- revelation
- rift
- rime
- rise
- rising
- room
- rupture
- scissure
- scope
- seam
- send-off
- separation
- service
- shot
- show
- showing
- situation
- slit
- slot
- sluice
- spiracle
- split
- spout
- squeak
- start
- start-off
- station
- tap
- tenure
- theophany
- time
- trench
- tunnel
- underpass
- unfolding
- unveiling
- vacancy
- vacuity
- valley
- vent
- venthole
- vestibule
- void
- vomitory
- wadi
- way
- weir
opening (adj.)
Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,
Death came with friendly care;
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,
And bade it blossom there.
Under the opening eyelids of the morn.
How doth the little busy bee
Improve each shining hour,
And gather honey all the day
From every opening flower!
The meanest floweret of the vale,
The simplest note that swells the gale,
The common sun, the air, the skies,
To him are opening paradise.