access (n.)
- accessibility
- accession
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- addition
- adit
- admission
- admittance
- advance
- advent
- aggrandizement
- aisle
- alley
- ambulatory
- amplification
- aperture
- apoplexy
- appreciation
- approach
- approachability
- approaching
- approximation
- arcade
- arrest
- artery
- ascent
- attack
- attainability
- augmentation
- availability
- avenue
- ballooning
- blockage
- blowup
- boom
- boost
- broadening
- buildup
- burst
- channel
- cloister
- clonus
- colonnade
- coming
- communication
- conduit
- connection
- convulsion
- corridor
- court
- cramp
- crescendo
- defile
- development
- eclampsia
- edema
- elevation
- enlargement
- entrance
- entranceway
- entree
- entry
- entryway
- epilepsy
- eruption
- exit
- expansion
- explosion
- extension
- ferry
- fit
- flare-up
- flood
- ford
- frenzy
- gain
- gallery
- gangplank
- gangway
- grip
- growth
- gush
- gust
- hall
- heavyweight
- hike
- ictus
- imminence
- import
- importation
- importing
- in
- income
- incoming
- increase
- increment
- infiltration
- inflation
- influence
- ingress
- ingroup
- inlet
- input
- insertion
- insinuation
- intake
- interchange
- interpenetration
- intersection
- introduction
- intrusion
- jump
- junction
- key
- kingmaker
- lane
- laryngospasm
- leakage
- leap
- lobby
- lobbyist
- lockjaw
- manipulator
- mounting
- multiplication
- nearness
- occlusion
- oncoming
- onset
- opening
- openness
- orgasm
- outburst
- outlet
- overpass
- pang
- paroxysm
- pass
- passage
- passageway
- penetrability
- penetration
- percolation
- perviousness
- portico
- productiveness
- proliferation
- proximation
- raise
- reception
- rise
- route
- sally
- scene
- seepage
- seizure
- spasm
- spell
- spread
- stitch
- stoppage
- storm
- stroke
- surge
- swelling
- taking
- tetanus
- tetany
- throes
- thromboembolism
- thrombosis
- trismus
- tumescence
- tunnel
- turn
- twinge
- underpass
- up
- upping
- upsurge
- upturn
- vestibule
- visitation
- waxing
- way
- widening
- wire-puller
access (v.)
- accession
- advance
- approach
- arrest
- attack
- boom
- boost
- burst
- channel
- cloister
- coming
- court
- cramp
- crescendo
- defile
- entrance
- exit
- ferry
- fit
- flood
- ford
- gain
- grip
- gush
- gust
- hike
- import
- in
- increase
- influence
- input
- interchange
- jump
- key
- lane
- leap
- lobby
- pang
- pass
- raise
- rise
- route
- sally
- scene
- spell
- spread
- stitch
- storm
- stroke
- surge
- tunnel
- turn
- twinge
- up
- way
Sherry is dull, naturally dull; but it must have taken him a great deal of pains to become what we now see him. Such an access of stupidity, sir, is not in Nature.