key (n.)
- access
- accord
- achromatism
- ait
- amplification
- archipelago
- atoll
- bang
- bar
- barricade
- batten
- bell
- bolt
- button
- cast
- catchword
- cay
- central
- centric
- choke
- chromatism
- clap
- clarification
- close
- clue
- code
- color
- coloration
- coloring
- complexion
- contract
- coordinate
- corkscrew
- court
- cover
- crib
- cue
- decipherment
- decoding
- depth
- description
- dominant
- electricity
- embouchure
- essential
- evidence
- explanation
- explication
- fit
- fix
- fold
- frequency
- gloss
- glossary
- guide
- heavyweight
- height
- hint
- holm
- horn
- hue
- humor
- indication
- indicator
- influence
- ingroup
- insularity
- interrupter
- intimation
- island
- isle
- islet
- keynote
- kingmaker
- latch
- latchkey
- latchstring
- lead
- legend
- level
- lip
- lobby
- lobbyist
- lock
- main
- major
- manipulator
- measure
- mediant
- middle
- minor
- mood
- mouthpiece
- necessary
- note
- opener
- padlock
- pallor
- paraphrase
- passkey
- password
- pipe
- pitch
- plumb
- pony
- proportion
- receiver
- reed
- reef
- register
- restatement
- rewording
- right
- sandbank
- sandbar
- scent
- seal
- sender
- set
- shade
- slam
- slide
- snap
- sounder
- spoor
- style
- subdominant
- submediant
- subtonic
- suggestion
- supertonic
- sync
- tailor
- telegraphy
- teleprinter
- teletypewriter
- telex
- telltale
- tenor
- ticker
- ticket
- timbre
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tip-off
- tonality
- tone
- tonic
- trace
- transcription
- translation
- transliteration
- transmitter
- trot
- true
- tune
- umbilical
- valve
- vestige
- vital
- whiff
- wind
- wire-puller
- zipper
key (v.)
- access
- accommodate
- accord
- adapt
- adjust
- ait
- assimilate
- attune
- bang
- bar
- barricade
- batten
- bell
- bolt
- button
- cast
- cay
- choke
- clap
- close
- clue
- code
- color
- complexion
- constrict
- contain
- contract
- coordinate
- corkscrew
- court
- cover
- crib
- cue
- equalize
- evidence
- fasten
- fit
- fix
- fold
- gloss
- guide
- harmonize
- hint
- homologize
- horn
- hue
- humor
- influence
- keynote
- latch
- lead
- level
- lip
- lobby
- lock
- main
- major
- measure
- middle
- minor
- necessary
- note
- occlude
- padlock
- paraphrase
- pipe
- pitch
- plumb
- proportion
- reconcile
- rectify
- reed
- reef
- register
- regulate
- right
- scent
- seal
- secure
- set
- shade
- shut
- slam
- slide
- snap
- strangle
- style
- sync
- synchronize
- tailor
- telex
- ticket
- tinct
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tone
- trace
- trot
- true
- tune
- whiff
- wind
- zipper
key (adj.)
- ait
- axial
- bang
- bar
- button
- cast
- central
- centralized
- centric
- centroidal
- centrosymmetric
- close
- color
- concentrated
- coordinate
- cover
- critical
- crucial
- dominant
- essential
- evidence
- fit
- fold
- geocentric
- height
- horn
- important
- interlinear
- lead
- level
- lip
- lock
- main
- major
- middle
- middlemost
- midmost
- minor
- necessary
- pivotal
- plumb
- reed
- right
- scent
- seal
- secure
- set
- shut
- style
- telltale
- tenor
- ticket
- tinct
- tone
- tonic
- true
- tune
- umbilical
- valve
- vital
- whiff
- wind
Shall I bend low, and in a bondman's key,
With bated breath and whispering humbleness.
Scorn not the sonnet. Critic, you have frowned,
Mindless of its just honours; with this key
Shakespeare unlocked his heart.
That golden key
That opes the palace of eternity.