huddle (n.)
- around
- ataxia
- audience
- bargaining
- bunch
- chaos
- clasp
- clot
- clump
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- conclave
- confab
- confabulation
- conference
- confrontation
- congress
- consultation
- convention
- council
- couple
- crowd
- date
- disarray
- discussion
- disorder
- fuse
- gather
- group
- herd
- hive
- horde
- hug
- hunch
- interview
- league
- link
- mass
- meet
- meeting
- mill
- muddle
- muster
- negotiations
- nestle
- pack
- palaver
- parley
- powwow
- rally
- rendezvous
- seance
- session
- sitting
- snarl
- stream
- summit
- surge
- swarm
- tailgate
- throng
- treat
- unite
huddle (v.)
- around
- assemble
- bunch
- clasp
- clot
- clump
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- confab
- confer
- congregate
- consult
- converge
- copulate
- couple
- crowd
- date
- disarray
- discuss
- disorder
- forgather
- fuse
- gather
- group
- herd
- hive
- hug
- hunch
- interview
- league
- link
- mass
- meet
- merge
- mill
- muddle
- muster
- nestle
- pack
- palaver
- parley
- powwow
- rally
- rendezvous
- seethe
- snarl
- stream
- summit
- surge
- swarm
- tailgate
- throng
- treat
- unite
Reading what they never wrote,
Just fifteen minutes, huddle up their work,
And with a well-bred whisper close the scene.