bargain (n.)
- accommodation
- accord
- adjustment
- agree
- agreement
- arrangement
- barter
- bid
- bond
- buy
- cartel
- compact
- composition
- compromise
- concession
- consortium
- contract
- convention
- counsel
- covenant
- deal
- engage
- exchange
- give-and-take
- giveaway
- haggle
- huckster
- intermediate
- judge
- mediate
- moderate
- pact
- paction
- palaver
- parley
- pennyworth
- powwow
- promise
- protocol
- referee
- settlement
- steal
- stipulation
- surrender
- swap
- trade
- trade-in
- traffic
- transaction
- truck
- umpire
- understanding
- yielding
bargain (v.)
- accord
- agree
- anticipate
- arbitrate
- arrange
- barter
- bid
- bond
- buy
- chaffer
- cheapen
- collogue
- compact
- compromise
- confer
- consult
- contract
- counsel
- covenant
- deal
- deliberate
- dicker
- discuss
- engage
- exchange
- expect
- foresee
- haggle
- higgle
- huckster
- intercede
- intermediate
- interpose
- intervene
- judge
- mediate
- moderate
- negotiate
- outbid
- pact
- palaver
- palter
- parley
- powwow
- promise
- referee
- represent
- steal
- stipulate
- surrender
- swap
- trade
- traffic
- truck
- umpire
- underbid
- undertake
bargain (adv.)
Lest the bargain should catch cold and starve.
The boy hath sold him a bargain,—a goose.
But in the way of bargain, mark ye me,
I 'll cavil on the ninth part of a hair.
The agricultural population, says Cato, produces the bravest men, the most valiant soldiers, and a class of citizens the least given of all to evil designs. . . . A bad bargain is always a ground for repentance.
To sell a bargain well is as cunning as fast and loose.
There's two words to that bargain.