perfection (n.)
- absoluteness
- accomplishment
- accuracy
- achievement
- acme
- archetype
- arete
- attainment
- beautification
- climax
- close
- closure
- completeness
- completion
- conclusion
- consummation
- correctness
- culmination
- curvaceousness
- delicacy
- development
- elaboration
- embellishment
- end
- ending
- entireness
- essence
- evolution
- exactitude
- exactness
- excellence
- excellency
- faithfulness
- faultlessness
- fidelity
- fineness
- finish
- finishing
- flawlessness
- fulfillment
- gracefulness
- gracility
- height
- ideal
- idealization
- literalism
- literalness
- maturation
- maturity
- meticulousness
- model
- mould
- niceness
- nicety
- paragon
- pattern
- peak
- pink
- pinnacle
- preciseness
- precision
- purity
- quality
- quintessence
- realization
- refinement
- right
- rightness
- rigidity
- rigor
- rigorousness
- ripeness
- ripening
- seasoning
- severity
- shapeliness
- standard
- strictness
- sublimity
- subtlety
- summit
- superiority
- termination
- terminus
- textualism
- top
- transcendence
- ultimate
- virtue
- wholeness
- windup
perfection (adv.)
He is the half part of a blessed man,
Left to be finished by such as she;
And she a fair divided excellence,
Whose fulness of perfection lies in him.
Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason. . . . The law, which is perfection of reason.
What's come to perfection perishes.
Things learned on earth we shall practise in heaven;
Works done least rapidly Art most cherishes.
The very pink of perfection.
How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!